Administratie | Alimentatie | Arta cultura | Asistenta sociala | Astronomie |
Biologie | Chimie | Comunicare | Constructii | Cosmetica |
Desen | Diverse | Drept | Economie | Engleza |
Filozofie | Fizica | Franceza | Geografie | Germana |
Informatica | Istorie | Latina | Management | Marketing |
Matematica | Mecanica | Medicina | Pedagogie | Psihologie |
Romana | Stiinte politice | Transporturi | Turism |
The White House |
The president regularly receives official visitors in the Rose Garden . The East Wing was built in 1942 and contains offices for presidential aids . The Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, so named by Mrs . Lyndon B . Johnson in honor of her predecessor, is off ... |
Bleak House |
Bleak House -Charles Dickens- Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 at Lamport, Portsmouth, being the second of the eight children of John Dickens, a clerk in the Naval Pay Office . John Dickens’ work took him from place to place, so that ... |
Managementul fibrilatiei atriale asociate cu sindromul de preexcitatie de tip Wolff-Parkinson-White |
Managementul fibrilatiei atriale asociate cu sindromul de preexcitatie de tip Wolff-Parkinson-White Clasa I (1) Ablatia prin cateter a caii accesorii este recomandata pacientilor simptomatici cu FA care au sindromul WPW, si mai al ... |
The White House |
The president regularly receives official visitors in the Rose Garden . The East Wing was built in 1942 and contains offices for presidential aids . The Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, so named by Mrs . Lyndon B . Johnson in honor of her predecessor, is off ... |
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