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Kennedy School of Government
Public policy and administration, political economy 8) Law School
Constitutional, criminal, and international law; corporate finance 9) School of Public Health
Public health policy, epidemiology, nutrition, international health

Also at Harvard University there is a interdisciplinary center for scholarship and learning-The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.

Governance of the University
The University has two governing boards. The Harvard Corporation - known formally as the President and Fellows of Harvard College - is the University's executive board.

The oldest corporation in the Western Hemisphere, the seven-member board is responsible for the day-to-day management of the University's finances and business affairs. The Corporation members are Lawrence H. Summers, President; D. Ronald Daniel, University Treasurer, and Director, McKinsey & Co.; Hanna Holborn Gray, President Emerita and Harry Pratt Judson Distinguished Service Professor of History, The University of Chicago; Conrad K. Harper, Partner, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett; James R. Houghton, Chairman of the Board Emeritus, Corning Inc.; Robert G. Stone Jr., Chairman Emeritus/Director, Kirby Corp.; and Herbert S. Winokur Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Capricorn Holdings Inc.
Significant matters of educational and institutional policy are also brought before the President and Fellows by the President and Deans.
The Board of Overseers consists of 30 members who are elected at large by graduates of Harvard and Radcliffe.
Through its Standing and Visiting Committees, the Board is informed about educational policies and practices of the University and provides advice to, and approves important actions of, the Corporation. Both the Corporation and Overseers must approve major teaching and administrative appointments.

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