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Humans playing God

In addition, many of the few embryos that do survive, have terrible genetic defects, which lead to the immediate or tardy death of the newborn. What is worse is that scientists have no way of controlling or correcting all these things that do not go according to plan. Also, on a safety basis, the disadvantage of cloning is the fact that the process might lead to businesses that will market embryos illegally. In the case of human cloning, the concerns raised here are more complex. Human cloning is an unethical and immoral use of science, because it tampers with the rules of nature, and it is a form of playing God. Furthermore, the children would have no parents and no family, since they would be the result of an experiment. Safety problems have an important influence on how people view this discovery, as well. Given the extremely low numbers of embryos that survive in animal cloning, it would be dangerous and unacceptable to expose humans (both the surrogate mother and the fetus) to those kinds of risks. In addition to this, the newly created children might have genetic defects and they probably could not be kept alive. The other aspect of cloning would be that one of genetically copying humans, in order to use them as organ donors; this too is immoral because it simply means destroying a life to save another. When it comes to animal organs transplanted into humans, researchers underline that serious risks are attached to the procedure. One of the most important ones is the threat of animal diseases (that cannot be detected) spreading into the human recipient. There is also the danger of rejection towards the implanted organ. Finally, such practices could result in organ-breeding businesses and cruelty towards animals. All in all, humans should resist the temptation to do things that are far over their heads and to assume that they can control the world.

Humans do not have the right to play God, and they should not aspire to something they are not, because that just means interfering with the natural order of creation.

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