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, 2000)

and of the physiological alteration of myelination in patients with schizophrenia,

as were suggested by many studies (Buchsbaum et al., 1998; Lim et al., 1999 and Foong et al., 2000, Lim et al., 1999, Pettegrew et al., 1991 and Fukuzako et al., 1999).

The disruptions of myelin integrity alter, decreases, the velocity of transmission of information traversing some myelinated neuronal networks.

This decrease causes the dyssynchrony of the reverberating networks integrating perception, thought and action, and thereby the emergence of poorly processed perceptions, disconnected thought processes, and dys-integrated behavior.

The same dyssynchrony disrupts the elements of perception, attention, complex processing of information, and behavior in schizophrenia (Miller, 2000).


The relevance for the philosophy of scientific explanation

The type of explanation that was used by the scientist was clearly causal. Is their explanation a deduction of an explanandum from a background theory? Is their explanation a deduction of an explanandum from a law?

Is their proposed explanation a deduction from a causal law? Fundamentaly we saw at least causal chain/chains. In some places of the chain the causes are only possible or hypothetized. Phychopato
logies are the final results-effects of some physiologiccal processes or causal chains. We are confronted here with a complexity. But, however, I do not want to discredit as others the rational core of the Hemple's model of explanation. The rationality from every valide explanation is a logical one. But the subsumptory statement/statements have to be causal. After the whole chausal chain/chains that underlies/underly schizophrenia will be completely and certainly known, we will can subsume the individual causal chains implied in the individual illness under it.

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