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voi sa facu, |
Istoria antica Istoria medievala
Istoria moderna si
Istoria romanilor nu are nici o semnificatie in afara pamintului pe care poporul lor s-a nascut acum doua milenii si pe care au trait neintrerupt.
Pamintul romanesc se afla in sud estul Europei, la nord de Peninsula Balcanica din care multi, in mod gresit, considera ca face parte. Lantul Muntilor Carpati trece prin inima lui, iar Dunarea (cel mai mare fluviu din Europa) il margineste la sud inainte de a patrunde intre maluri romanesti si a se varsa in Marea Neagra.
Aceasta mostenire este bogata in orice bogatie naturala posibila, de la sare la petrol si aur, dar totusi a fost socotita de cronicarul moldovean Grigore Ureche a se afla "in calea raotatilor".
In vremea veche aceasta regiune a fost populata de daci, popor cunoscut si sub numele de geti. Dacii sint o spita a marelui neam al tracilor, ramura indoeuropeana inrudita cu ilirii, latinii, grecii, germanii, slavii si celtii.
Prima mentiune scrisa a existentei acestui popor provine de la Herodot, parintele istoriei, care ii socoteste a fi cei mai viteji si mai drepti dintre traci. De asemenea Herodot afirma spijinindu-se pe doua surse diferite religia monoteista a dacilor si credinta lor in Zamolxe (Zalmoxis). Procesul de inchegare politica a acestui popor s-a definitivat in primul secol inainte de Cristos, cind puternicul rege dac Burebista (70-44 e.n.) ii aduna pe daci sub conducerea sa intr-un stat puternic corespunzind teritorial, luat in mare, celui pe care astazi se afla Romania si Republica Moldova. Semn al puterii sale ca domnitor este ajutorul pe care Burebista l-a dat lui Pompei in luptele cu Cezar si faptul ca a reusit sa impuna dacilor sa-si taie viile si sa duca o viata cumpatata.
In secolul urmator Dacia a inflorit din nou sub Decebal (87-106 d.C.). Pericolul reprezentat de regele dac, care infrinsese armatele invadatoare ale Romei chiar in zorii domniei sale si devenise client al Romei, (asta insemnind pe acele vremuri ca Roma trebuia sa ii plateasca periodic o suma stabilita pentru a pastra pacea), a stirnit ingrijorari in Imperiu. Consecinta a fost ca imparatul Traian (fiu adoptiv al lui Nerva) a hotarit sa rezolve definitiv motivele de ingrijorare lansind doua atacuri, primul in 101 si 102, cel de al doilea in 105 si 106, cele doua rezultind in completa distrugere a statului dac si in transformarea Daciei in provincie romana. Cucerirea Daciei a marcat culmea gloriei romane, Dacia fiind ultima provincie alaturata Imperiului - serbarile victoriei au tinut 123 de zile , 10.000 de gladiatori luptind pentru distractia poporului roman si 11.000 de fiare fiind ucise in circurile romane. Mareata Columna a lui Traian ridicata atunci (de catre Apolodor din Damasc) sta inca in picioare in Roma, atit doar ca statuia Sfintului Petru a luat locul celei a lui Traian din virful columnei, pentru a face placere unui papa.
Stapinirea romana in Dacia a durat din 106 pina in 271 sau 275, timp in care provincia a fost colonizata, numeroase cetati au fost construite si ridicate la rangul de municipium sau chiar colonia. Cluj-Napoca, cel mai important municipiu din Transilvania a fost transformat oficial in municipium inca din anul 124 d.C.. Mai multe monetarii din Dacia au batut moneda (desigur, si inainte si dupa cucerirea romana).
Infringerea din 106 a adus moartea multor barbati daci, multi sinucigindu-se pentru a nu fi luati sclavi (Decebal insusi), iar si mai multora sclavia fiind vinduti si dusi in felurite parti ale Imperiului. Pentru a rezolva problema subpopularii, dar nu numai din acest motiv, veterani de pe tot cuprinsul Imperiului, din Hispania pina la Siria, au fost asezati aici. Veteranii erau soldati cu serviciul militar satisfacut (destul de lung pe acele vremuri) si care erau pensionati primind pamint, bani si alte drepturi cetatenesti. Cuvintul romanesc "batrin" descinde direct din latinul "veteranus" si in plus a capatat si o forma la feminin neexistenta in limba sursa.
Noii veniti, de obicei veterani dar de asemenea si negustori sau oameni liberi cu alte meserii, erau legati de limba comuna - aceasta fiind desigur latina. Pentru a judeca drept, latina avusese si dinainte o influenta puternica asupra Daciei, contactele dintre daci si romani fiind vechi de sute de ani in momentul cuceririi romane. Marile culturi, cele sustinute de mari armate in special, au influentat vocabularul romanilor lungi secole mai apoi de a lungul unei intortocheate istorii, fara insa a schimba natura limbii vorbite de mostenitorii poporului dac in arcul carpatic. Acest fenomen trebuie sa fi inceput cu stramosii paminteni ai romanilor inainte de cucerirea romana - imensa afinitate a romanilor pentru limbile straine (romani ce, dupa nevoile vremilor, au vorbit greaca, franceza, rusa si apoi engleza) este intr-un fel intrata in fiinta lor inca din zorii existentei lor ca popor. Pretentiile unora cum ca bastinasilor nu le-ar fi fost suficient peste un veac si jumatate pentru a invata limba latina sint ridicole cind sub ochii nostri zece ani au fost de ajuns pentru a-i transforma pe romani in anglofoni.
Timp de 165 de ani, Dacia ca provincie romana a primit o cultura superioara, limba latina si crestinismul. Apostolul Andrei a crestinat pe actualul teritoriu al Romaniei, dar rolul principal este atribuit veteranilor crestini asezati aici. Crestinismul a fost usor de acceptat in Dacia, intre riurile Tisa, Dunare si Nistru, dat fiind ca era transmis unui popor deja monoteist. Inainte de Cristos doar dacii, evreii si persanii erau atit de avansati in ideile lor religioase.
Este stupid sa crezi ca odata cu retragerea romana populatia romanizata din Dacia a pierdut orice relatie cu Roma. Numeroasele monede romane batute ulterior si descoperite pe teritoriul Romaniei dovedesc contrariul.
Corpul de temelie al poporului roman sint
vechii daci, iar cultura si limba se datoreaza romanilor de la care
au mostenit atit de mult. Romanii au avut o evolutie istorica
unitara intre Carpati si zona dunareana, intre
actualele granite ale Romaniei, Republicii Moldova si chiar mai mult
decit atit. (Aromanii, romanii sudului, au fost, ce-i drept, rupti
lingvistic de dacoromani cindva inainte de anul 1000 - in buna
masura datorita invaziei slavilor - si mai departe
farimitati si imprastiati in mici
comunitati.) In ciuda separarii politice datorate diversilor
factori din care cel mai important a fost incorporarea Transilvaniei in regatul
ungar cu dimensiuni de imperiu si apoi in Imperiul Austroungar,
populatia romaneasca din cele trei separate state feudale, - Moldova,
Tara Romaneasca si Transilvania -, a pastrat
trasaturile comune definitorii intacte multumita
unitatii de origine, limbii si neintreruptelor relatii
economice, politice si culturale.
Evul Mediu
Izvoarele care sa relateze despre romani pe parcursul Evului Mediu sint cam sarace, mai ales cele din perioada veche. Acest lucru se datoreaza faptului ca teritoriile despre care vorbim erau, periodic aproape, devastate de cuceritori, domnitorii acestora fiind rasturnati, tezaurele tarilor jefuite si arhivele pierdute. Adesea arhivele straine sint singurele ce ne pot lumina in problema romaneasca. Cit despre hrisoavele romanesti conservate peste timp, cele mai vechi mai ales, acestea au fost mai curind ratacite si apoi descoperite decit pastrate cu grija. Pentru Transilvania avem informatii de la notarul regelui ungur Bela, cronicar cunoscut sub numele de Anonymus (ungurii au avut in vechime mai multi regi cu acest nume; majoritatea inclina sa creada ca e vorba de Bela al III-lea, 1173 - 1196). Ungurii au ajuns in Europa centrala cindva dupa anul 900, condusi fiind de ducele Arpad, si s-au asezat in Panonia. Nu numai in Transilvania de mai apoi gasesc formatiuni statale romanesti supuse, foarte interesant, imparatului de la Constantinopol, ci chiar in Panonia afla populatii romanice pe care Anonimul, fara inconjur, ii numeste romani. In scurt timp de la sosire, fiind un popor nomad extrem de razboinic, ungurii reusesc sa supuna sub suzeranitatea lor teritorii importante ce cuprindeau partial sau integral Slovacia, ducatele romanesti apusene, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia si Albania, pradind in repetate rinduri Germania pina in Lotaringia si Franconia si Italia de miazanoapte pina la Padova in Lombardia. Notarul mentioneaza ducatele romanesti din Transilvania de astazi intilnite de ei si pe care incercau sa le supuna. Astfel remarca pe ducele Menumorut domnind de la resedinta sa Biharea, pe ducele Glad din Banat (cu resedinta la Keve, azi in Serbia) si pe ducele Gelu din Transilvania interioara, a carui resedinta era Dabica.
Conflictul cu Menumorut este semnificativ si, asa cum a fost prezentat de cronicarul maghiar, ajuta la o buna intelegere a expansiunii unguresti in Europa, deopotriva interesant pentru curiosi si carturari. Mesagerii Usubuu si Veluc au traversat riul Tisa si venira la resedinta Bihor, pretinzind din partea ducelui lor importante teritorii de malul sting al apei.
Menumorut le-a raspuns: "Dicite Arpadio duci Hungarie, domino uestro, debitores sumus ei, ut amicus amico, in omnibus, que ei necessaria sunt, quia hospes homo est, et in multis indiget. Terram autem, quam petiut a nostra gratia, nullatenus concedimus nobis uiuentibus. Hoc etiam indigne tulimus quod Salanus dux ei concessit maximam terram, aut propter amorem, ut dicitur, aut propter timorem, quod negatur. Nos autem nec propter amorem nec propter timorem ei concedimus terram, etiam quantum pugillus caperet, licet dixerit ius suum esse. Et uerba sua non conturbant animum nostrum eo, quod mandauerit nobis se descendisse de Atthile regis, qui flagellum dei dicebatur, qui etiam uiolenta manu rapuerat terram hanc ab atthauo meo, sed tamen modo per gratiam domini mei imperatoris Constantinopolitani nemo protest auferre de manibus meis."
In traducere "Spuneti lui Arpad, ducele Ungariei, domnului vostru. Datori ii sintem ca un amic unui amic, cu toate ce-i sint necesare, fiindca e om strain si duce lipsa de multe. Teritoriul insa ce l-a cerut bunei vointe a noastre nu i-l vom ceda niciodata, cita vreme vom fi in viata. Si ne-a parut rau ca ducele Salanus i-a cedat un foarte mare teritoriu, fie din dragoste, cum se spune, fie de frica, ceea ce se tagaduieste. Noi insa, nici din dragoste nici de frica, nu-i cedam din pamint nici cit un deget, desi a spus ca are un drept asupra lui. Si vorbele lui nu ne tulbura inima ca ne-a aratat ca descinde din neamul lui Atila, care se numea biciul lui dumnezeu. Si chiar daca acela a rapit prin violenta aceasta tara de la stramosul meu, acuma insa gratie domnului meu, imparatul din Constantinopol, nimeni nu poate sa o mai smulga din miinile mele." (Pierzind mai multe batalii - este mentionata si batalia de trei zile pentru Satu Mare - Menumorut este in cele din urma silit sa accepte o pace umilitoare, pastrind doar fortareata Bihorului si trebuind sa dea pe fiica sa de sotie fiului unui invingator.)
Deja dovedita de descoperiri arheologice numeroase, pasajul citat probeaza legatura neintrerupta a stramosilor romanilor cu Imperiul Roman de Rasarit, si aceasta in ciuda separarii politice cauzate de invazii, facind Cronica Anonima cu atit mai importanta.
Este interesant de observat ca ungurii sint numiti astfel de catre noi, ceilalti, neavind nici o legatura etnica cu mai timpuriii huni ai lui Atila. Ei folosesc pentru ei insisi numele de "Magyar", tara lor pentru ei fiind "Magyarország".
Cuceririle in est au fost usurate de instabilitatea politica preexistenta in regiune si care deja ameninta viitorul tinerelor formatiuni statale romanesti. Anonymus citeaza un raport al unui spion ungur, pe numele sau Ocmand, trimis in recunoastere in tara necunoscuta de dincolo de munti - ducatul lui Gelu (Terra Ultrasilvana, Tara De Peste Paduri, Transilvania de mai tirziu) inainte de se porni ostilitatile armate. Ocmand a raportat: "Quod terra illa irrigaretur optimis fluuis, quorum nomina et utilitates seriatim dixit, et quod in arenis eorum aurum colligerent, et aurum terre illius optimum esset, et ut ibi foderetur sal et salgenia, et habitatores terre uiliores homines essent tocius mundi, quia essent Blasii et Sclaui, quia alia arma non haberent, nisi arcum et sagittas, et dux Geleou minus esset tenax et non haberet bonos milites, et auderent stare audatiam Hungarorum, quia Cumanis et Picenatis multas iniurias paterentur.", in traducere "Ca pamintul acela este udat de cele mai bune riuri, al caror nume si folos le-a amintit pe rind, ca din nisipul lor se culege aur, ca aurul din acea tara este cel mai bun aur, ca de acolo se scoate sare si materii sarate si ca locuitorii din acea tara sint cei mai nevoiasi oameni din toata lumea. Findca sint Blachi si Sclavi care nu au alte arme decit arcuri si sageti si ducele Geleou putin e puternic si nu are ostasi buni si nu ar indrazni sa se impotriveasca curajului ungurilor, fiindca sufera multe neajunsuri din partea cumanilor si a pecenegilor."
Istoria Transilvaniei pina in 1918 a fost istoria pierderii drepturilor bastinasilor si a colonizarii de popoare alogene. Toate acestea insa nu au putut schimba identitatea etnica a Transilvaniei. Catolicizarea nobililor ardeleni a fost urmata si de asimilare, lasindu-i pe cei de jos fara conducatori de acelasi singe, grabind preschimbarea romanilor in serbi.
Iancu de Hunedoara, guvernator al Ungariei si mare luptator antiotoman, a fost roman care isi schimbase confesiunea. Fiul sau, Matei Corvin (Matthias Corvinus in forma latinizata), rege al Ungariei, nu a mai amintit prin nimic in lunga sa domnie de originea etnica a tatalui sau. Propaganda ungureasca a lansat de-a lungul timpului multe ipoteze tintite la a dovedi intiietatea lor in locuirea Ardealului (lasat pustiu dupa razboaiele dacice conform teoriilor lor), una mai hazoasa decit alta. De mentionat este cea conform careia romanii au ajuns in Transilvania tirziu, sosind din sud, iar numarul lor a ajuns sa il depaseasca pe cel al ungurilor deoarece romanii cresteau oi, mincau brinza si prosperau ca numar. Pentru mai multe probleme de istorie a Ardealului aceasta propaganda neobosita continua sa emita versiuni mai rafinate si deci mai credibile pe care le raspindeste in lumea larga cu eforturi financiare importante si aproape fara nici o opozitie din partea Romaniei.
Vechiul nume al Transilvaniei, si azi folosit, este Ardeal in romaneste si Erdely in ungureste. Originea acestui cuvint a fost un subiect clasic de disputa. Unii afirma ca Ardeal este un cuvint cu radacina indo-europeana, direct inrudit cu germanul "Erde" si englezul "earth", insemnind pamint. Asadar nu ar putea fi de origine maghiara, de vreme ce limba lor este ugro-finica, singurele rude etnice si lingvistice ale lor in Europa fiind estonii si finlandezii. Exista si parerea conform careia Ardeal ar fi un cuvint compus din maghiarul "Erdö" - padure - si "elu" - dincolo. Este posibil sa fie si asa, dupa cum este de asemenea posibil sa fie o explicatie cautata mai tirziu.
La maxima ei expansiune, Ungaria a posedat Transilvania, Slovacia, Croatia, parti din Serbia si chiar din Bulgaria. Cu toate acestea, acest principat romanesc si-a mentinut autonomia si identitatea pina in 1867 cind regimul dualist austroungar l-a incorporat Ungariei.
Conducatorul politic al unei formatiuni statale romanesti a purtat, de la inceput pina la 1881 numele de "voievod" (cuvint slav) ori "domn" (mostenit din latinul "dominus"). Ambele cuvinte erau deopotriva folosite, insemnind acelasi lucru si fiind egale in sens.
Cit despre Tara Romaneasca - Valahia -, cele mai vechi si mai semnificative surse pentru perioada de inainte de intemeiere sint din nou unguresti. Ele mentioneaza voievozi romani la sud de Carpati, luptind pentru a-si pastra independenta si formatiunile statale in afara hotarelor ungare. Astfel apar Ioan, Farcas, Litovoi, Seneslau, Barbat, Tihomir - e posibil ca aceste nume totusi sa nu fie intru totul veridice, fiind alterate prin rea scriere sau traduceri.
Basarab Intemeietorul (1310?-1352) a unit aceste mici voievodate in statul valah si i-a obtinut independenta in 1330 dupa marea batalie de la Posada, intr-un defileu al Muntilor Carpati.
Moldavia was founded in 1353 by Dragos I, Romanian voivod from the noble Transylvanian province of Maramures, sent east of the Carpathians by the Hungarian crown to establish a stronghold that could keep the Tartars from their incursions over the mountains. In 1359, another Romanian voivod from Maramures named Bogdan I banned the descendants of Dragos I from Moldavia, becoming the ruler of the newly independent state. Until the end of the reign of Petru I in 1392 it is thought that Moldavia reached its natural border on the river Nistru from the mountains to the sea (the Black Sea).
The expansion of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkan Peninsula in the latter half of the 14th century was a great danger to the Romanian principalities. Outstanding victories won by princes Mircea the Old (1386-1418) and Vlad the Impaler Dracula (1456-1462) in Walachia, Stephen the Great and the Holy of Moldavia and John of Hunedoara kept back Turkish advances towards the rest of Europe.
The most important Romanian prince and leader of state is Stephen the Great and the Holy (1457-1504). For his bravery defending the cross, though being an orthodox prince, the Vatican pope himself honored Stephen with the title of 'Athlete of Christ'. His politics tried to imply all Christendom against the Islamic threat, planning to free Constantinople that had just been occupied in 1453.
Secret treaties between Hungary and a huge Poland that asserted to share Moldavia did not permit Stephen to achieve his goal, due to the fact he had to repel Christian attacks on his own territory. He defeated Matthias Corvinus of Hungary at Baia and John Albert of Poland in the Cosmin Woods in 1497. Trying to counterbalance the hostility of the neigbours, Stephen pledge allegiance to Matthias Corvinus in 1475 and since no support was obtained, after Chilia on Danube and Cetatea Alba (White Fortress) at the sea were lost to Turkish armies in 1484, he also pledged allegiance to Poland in 1485. Despite all these Stephen the Great and the Holy DID NOT get any help from the powerful Christian neigbours, against the Ottomans.
The Christendom was led by scorn and discord, so that, towards the end of his reign, Stephen was force to pay a small, symbolic tribute to the sultan, thus Moldavia falling under Ottoman suzerainty like Walachia did not very long before.
Once Hungary destroyed in 1542, Transylvania, as a principality, fell under the same rule for a long time.
Several Romanian princes tried to reclaim independence but shortly after one victorious battle or two they lost their thrones. The Gate was suzerain of the Romanian principalities, but what is the meaning of this? The principalities had to pay a yearly tribute, not to engage in treaties against the suzerain or wage wars against third parts without permission, just like the feudal rules are. On the other hand the Gate guaranteed the vassal borders, did not mingle in the internal affairs and promised not to build mosques or convert the people. The important thing about these capitulations was the Romanian principalities kept their existence all along the Middle Age, unlike Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary and so on. Peace with the Turks, yet often broken, meant stability (stability being very dear to Romanians even today) and the moving of the two principalities capitals from the mountains to the heart of the land. The Walachian capital changed from Tirgoviste to Bucharest and the Moldavian from Suceava to Iasi.
Cruciala pentru idealul national al romanilor a fost Unirea de la 1600 realizata sub Mihai Viteazul, unire a carei amintire a tinut aprinsa timp de peste trei secole speranta desavirsirii unitatii de neam.
Sigiliul voievodului ca domn al celor trei Tari Romane este de cel mai inalt interes, el cuprinzind stemele celor trei principate romanesti: in centru, un scut hasurat orizontal (albastru?) cu stema Moldovei, deasupra acvila valaha cu crucea in cioc, dedesubt stema Transilvaniei - doi lei afrontati tinind o spada, pasind pe sapte munti. Scutul cu stema Moldovei este sustinut de doua personaje incoronate (tenanti).
Pe sigiliu mai sint doua inscriptii. Prima, circulara, pare a fi IO MIHAILI UGROVLAHISCOI VOEVOD ARDILSCOI MOLD ZEMLI. A doua, plasata pe un arc de cerc ce separa stema Tarii Romanesti de restul compozitiei heraldice, NML BJE MLRDIE, poate fi tradusa prin DIN INSASI MILA LUI DUMNEZEU. BJE e scrierea prescurtata pentru DUMNEZEU (boje) iar MLRDIE vine de la milosirdie.
In toamna lui 1593 Mihai ia domnia Tarii Romanesti. Pe 13 noiembrie 1594 tara se ridica la lupta impotriva otomanilor. Anul urmator turcii riposteaza si pe 13/23 august 1595 are loc batalia de la Calugareni. Putinatatea si oboseala trupelor l-au impiedicat pe Mihai sa-si urmareasca inamicul si sa-l azvirle in Dunare, astfel ca victoria nu a putut fi valorificata.
In 1599 Mihai isi inlatura dusmanul din Transilvania, Andrei Báthory, care vroia sa-l scoata pe voievodul muntean din domnie. Pe 18/28 octombrie are loc batalia de la Selimbar, linga Sibiu, iar pe 21 octombrie / 1 noiembrie Mihai intra triumfator in Alba Iulia. Inalta Poarta recunoaste unirea, trimitindu-i lui Mihai steag de domnie pentru Transilvania si fiului sau Patrascu pentru Tara Romaneasca.
In mai 1600 Mihai intra in Moldova, cetatile Sucevei si Neamtului deschizindu-i portile. Ieremia Movila fuge din tara, pastrind insa cetatea Hotinului.
In lunile iunie, iulie si august ale anului 1600 Mihai Viteazul a stapinit toate cele trei tari romane, realizind prima Mare Unire a romanilor.
Puterea lui Mihai s-a naruit in fata interventiei straine: in septembrie in tara au intrat osti polone conduse de marele cancelar Jan Zamozski si osti ale imparatului Rudolf, conduse de generalul George Basta, care ocupa Transilvania in urma luptei de la Miraslau. Chiar si turcii intra in Oltenia, dar sint batuti de Preda Buzescu. Inconjurat de dusmani din toate partile, Mihai renunta si ajunge pe 12 ianuarie 1601 la Viena apoi, pe 23 februarie, la Praga, unde este primit in audienta de imparatul Rudolf.
In primavara lui 1601 Mihai a intrat in Transilvania cu sprijin imperial, cistigind biruinta de la Guruslau. Pe 9/19 august, Mihai este asasinat, la Cimpia Turzii, din ordinul lui Basta. Capul sau a fost adus de comisul Radu Florescu in Tara Romaneasca si dus la Manastirea Dealul.
The war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire in 1711 marked an important moment for the principalities. Unfortunately it took place on the Moldavian soil, against the plans the czar Peter the Great has in his mind. The Walachian voivod and the Moldavian one both promised support to the czar, but only Dimitrie Cantemir from Moldavia gave it. The ruler and the great scholar (member of the Berlin Academy) Dimitrie Cantemir fled in 1711 after the defeat of Stanilesti to Russia along the czar.
Constantin Brincoveanu, ruler of Walachia for a long time, was martyrized in 1714 in Constantinople, along with four sons and his closest counselor, in front of a great audience of European ambassadors. Dying as martyr (preferring to die than convert to Islam), he was raised by the Romanian Orthodox Church to the rank of saint. This must not surprise anyone - the Canterbury Tales written by Chaucer were told by pilgrims that went to worship the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket.
The thing is that from 1711 on the Gate lost confidence in the earthly rulers of the land and imposed Greek leaders from the Greek district of Constantinople called Fanar, fidel to the Empire but seldom knowing a Romanian word.
The Constantinopolitan rulers, imposed not chosen by the natives as before, brought with them bands of ruthless self-seeker Greeks and robbed together the two countries. The Fanariot period lasted long enough to induce to the Romanian disgust for Greeks and only time removed from inside their minds this sensation The Greeks bought their reign from the sultan and thus they had to exploit the countries as much as possible before their mandate expired. Many Greek rulers are known to have had several reigns, even four or five in Walachia and four or five in Moldavia, each of these having to be paid for.
During the Middle Age the Principalities suffered territorial losses. Walachia lost the seaside, the fortresses Giurgiu, Dirstor and Braila on Danube to the Turks. Also lost the western, rich province of Oltenia in 1718 to the Austrians, fortunately reclaimed from them by Turks in 1739. Moldavia lost fortress Chilia on Danube, Cetatea Alba at the sea, fortress Tighina on Nistru along with a not such a lesser territory somehow comprised amid the three, territory called Basarabia because formerly belonged to the Basarab dynasty in Walachia. It also lost fortress Hotin on Nistru. In 1538, along with Tighina and Basarabia, Petru Rares lost his throne, the treasures of the state in Suceava were robbed and archives lost. These treasures included the sword of Stephen the Great and the Holy, sword that still lies inside the Top-Kapi Museum in Constantinople. Towards the year 1600 the two principalities had lost all the numerous possessions they had inside Transylvania even since their formation in favor of Hungarians and then Austrians. Basarabia was colonized by Turks with Tartars, Muslims and also fierce militarily organized warriors that kept at bay the principality rulers accordingly to the orders received from the sultan.
The free Romanians did not forget their brothers. Many voivods built orthodox churches for the Transylvanians; Moldavian voivod Vasile Lupu build a church in Chilia (Basarabia) and Constantin Brincoveanu a church in Ismail (also known as Smil, in Basarabia).
The Gate conceded to Austria in 1775 the Moldavian territories of Cernauti and Suceava (to the north), known afterwards as Bucovina territories, that were not theirs to give, against all capitulation conditions in the past. Worth mentioning is that the Turks on site negotiator fooled the Gate into convincing it there was just a small passage between Transylvania and Galicia. Grigore Ghica III, voivod of Moldavia, protested and so his head was cut, stuck in honey and sent to Istanbul.
Russia became in the meanwhile a terrible power. In 1792 its borders reached the river Nistru, eastern Moldavian border. The next year Russia and Prussia share Poland just like the Soviet Union and Germany shared Europe in 1939-1940. During napoleonian wars, in 1806, Russia occupies with its armies the two principalities intending to keep them for itself. Given in 1812 the fact Napoleon was marching to Moscow, the czar makes a quick peace with the Gate. Betrayed by its own dragoman, the Gate accepts disadvantageous conditions, conceding Basarabia to Russia.
The problem is that Basarabia was a small
territory between rivers Prut and Nistru. The traitors have given Russia ALL
the territory between the two rivers, meaning neither more nor less then half
of Moldavia, loss unconceivable in these terms. So, thanks to traitors and
powerful armies, Russia swallows half of Moldavia, mischiefly baptizing it Basarabia
and transforming it into a 'gubernia', led by a
'gubernator' (something alike a viceroy in Spanish Southern America).
In 1813, next year, swallows Georgia.
Moderna si contemporana
Revolutia de la 1821 a avut un impact important si asupra
romanilor. Revolutia condusa de Tudor Vladimirescu in Valachia
tintea la reforme de inalta modernitate si poate si de asta
a esuat in atingerea majoritatii obiectivelor. Desi ordinea
anterioara a fost restaurata dupa revolutie, turcii au fost
siliti sa inteleaga ca suprematia greceasca
in principate trebuia sa inceteze si astfel au fost restaurate
domniile pamintene. Chiar si asa, dominatia greceasca
s-a mentinut importanta inca cel putin citeva zeci de ani.
Revolutia de la 1848, eveniment fundamental in dezvoltarea Romaniei moderne, a insemnat intre altele si fixarea culorilor drapelului national al romanilor din cele trei principate. Guvernul provizoriu de la Bucuresti intarea, prin decretul numarul 1 din 14 (stil vechi) / 26 (stil nou) iunie ca "Steagul national va avea trei culori: albastru, galben, rosu.". Deviza romana, care va fi scrisa atit pe steaguri cit si pe monumentele si decretele publice, se va compune din aceste doua cuvinte: "Dreptate, Fratie". Acest lucru este reamintit pentru cei de astazi in primul rind de un tablou celebru de epoca (figurind in manuale scolare, pe timbre), infatisind un grup de revolutionari purtind un drapel tricolor pe care scria, in grafia vremii, Dreptate, Fratie.
Pe 27 martie / 8 aprilie 1848 are loc la Iasi marea intrunire de la Hotelul Petersburg, reprezentind inceputul revolutiei in Moldova si in spatiul romanesc. Miscarea din Moldova este inabusita doua zile mai tirziu, cind voda Mihail Sturza aresteaza majoritatea capilor revolutiei.
Intre 3-5 / 15-17 martie 1848 are loc Marea Adunare Nationala de la Blaj a romanilor transilvaneni, pe Cimpia Libertatii, unde s-a strigat si "Noi vrem sa ne unim cu tara". Romanii pretindeau reprezentare in Dieta Transilvaniei proportionala cu numarul lor, egalitate de drepturi a bisericii ortodoxe cu celelalte culte din Transilvania si limba romana in administratie. Pe flamurile lor se aflau inscriptii precum "Virtutea Romana Reinviata", "Libertatea si independenta nationala", "Credinta neinfrinta pentru natiune si tron" si "Nici o unire cu tara ungureasca". In septembrie Avram Iancu, Axente Sever si Iovian Brad incep organizarea unei osti populare romanesti, care s-a opus pina prin iunie 1849 stradaniilor armatelor maghiare care incercau sa ocupe Muntii Apuseni, dupa ce ocupasera aproape intreaga Transilvanie si proclamasera unirea acesteia cu Ungaria. (Pina la Unirea din 1918, romanii transilvaneni au purtat tricolorul romanesc cu benzile orizontale.)
Pe 9 / 21 iunie 1848 are loc Adunarea de la Islaz, unde s-a citit multimii Proclamatia cuprinzind programul revolutiei din Tara Romaneasca. La Bucuresti revolutia izbucneste doua zile mai tirziu, cind voda Gheorghe Bibescu semneaza Constitutia (proclamatia) si recunoaste guvernul revolutionar. Decretul numarul 1 din 14 / 26 iunie al noului guvern a instituit ca drapel national tricolorul cu deviza Dreptate, Fratie. Revolutia din Tara Romaneasca se incheie pe 28 septembrie / 7 octombrie, cind generalul Gheorghe Magheru dizolva tabara de voluntari de pe Cimpul lui Traian de la Riureni (judetul Vilcea).
The war in Crimea (1854-1856) ended favorably with defeat for Russia. Napoleon III took care to release the Russian pressure over the Principalities, and saw that Moldavia get back three counties in the Romanian, properly called Basarabia, lain over the branches of Danube and at the sea. Napoleon III would have wanted to proclaim the union of the two Principalities, but Austria was against.
France as the most important Latin country in the world at the time was helping the Romanians to achieve their goal; other powerful states agreed just in theory - to show they are united the banners of the Principalities were to bare a blue ribbon and other formal acts were permitted only.
The Union was finally accomplished when Walachia elected Alexandru Ioan Cuza on 24 January 1859 as 'domn', the same person elected by Moldavia on 5 January, same year.
Once the Union done, progress was lightning fast and unstoppable in the newly born Romania. Yet short (1859-1866), the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza was among the most important in Romanian history. During it, more than amazing, the united Principalities changed in no time the oriental coat with a highly modern, French type organization of the state. Many of the ministers and main public institutions Romania has today were born in these eight years.
A critical strike for the Greek influence was the properties secularization of the monasteries consecrated to the Athos Mountain, stopping the huge amounts of money that left for Greece yearly.
In 1864 Alexandru Ioan Cuza advanced the parliament a law that turned the peasants in landowners on a ratio of the land they worked. The law being rejected, the prince rendered the parliament useless and invoked a plebiscite to decide the same question. The law of Cuza gave land to 40000 peasants and marked the beginning of a certain dictatorship. Until he was overthrown, Cuza imposed the universal vote and made primary education free and compulsory. In 1863 the Poles had a great rebellion and consequently the entire Europe was expecting Napoleon III to come to their aid. Sensing an opportunity to free the eastern half of Moldavia, Cuza wrote Napoleon III a letter reassuring the emperor of all the Romanian participation in an eventual conflict. No help went to the Poles and Russia crushed them.
The idea of returning to Romania the Moldavian land comprised in the former gubernia of Basarabia seem to be absurd to many today and makes the Russian diplomaticy explode whenever uttered but if happened in 1863 or the most following years, no one in Europe would have been surprised, not even the Russians.
The conservator and the liberal party united in what was known as the 'monstrous coalition' and removed Cuza from power in 1866 and sent him to exile, intending to bring a foreign prince. Only the body of Cuza was permitted to return in 1873 and put to rest in Romanian earth. Tens of thousands of peasants came to his grave in pilgrimage.
Philip of Flanders, Latin strain prince related to Napoleon III declining the offer, the throne was given to the 27 year old Carol of Hohenzollern, German prince from an old German reigning family.
Through the agreement of Livadia in 1877 Romania gave Russia the permission of moving troops over Romanian territory to fight the Turks, in turn Russia vowing to preserve the Romanian integrity.
On 9 May 1877 Romania proclaimed independence.
Soon after the fightings started, the czar was forced to demand Carol I military aid. The Romanian army numbering about one hundred thousands men, including volunteers from ALL Romanian territories, fought bravely in Bulgaria along the Russians. In February 1878 the western powers stopped Russia from completely conquering the Ottoman Empire, (its European side at least), and imposed peace.
Russia took from the Turks Dobrogea, the Danube Delta and the Isle of the Serpents as amends and announced its intention of exchanging these territories with the Basarabian parts Moldavia got back through the Paris peace in 1856. Basarabia was well populated, and populated by Romanians. Dobrogea in turn, conquered in the Middle Ages from Walachia by the Turks, was at the time an arid land, barely populated by some Turks, Tartars and few Romanians. As an infringement of the treaty signed before the war and also unacceptable for other national and moral reasons, Carol I did not accept these conditions. He retreated to the western province of Oltenia with the army and awaited for international support. Unfortunately nothing could be done. An important Romanian population fell again under the Russian yoke.
The northern border of Dobrogea was Danube, but who could tell where the southern border was? When delimiting the southern border clashes between Romanian and Russian troops occurred, due to the fact Russians wanted a huge territory for the newly created principality of Bulgaria they were planning to keep occupied and politically depending on them.
Once independent Romania proclaimed itself kingdom in 1881, Carol I being crowned king with a crown made out of the steel from a captured Turkish cannon (the steel was in fact German, since the cannon was made in Krupp factories). Romania kept distance in the first Balkan war in 1912. Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece attacked Turkey taking away almost all its European possessions. Unsatisfied with what it got, the next year Bulgaria declared war on Serbia and Greece. Romania didn't want a Bulgaria dominating the Balkans and so, when asked, immediately crossed its armies over the Bulgarian border, threatening the capital Sofia. Thusly Bulgaria capitulated without Romanian armies firing a single shot. As result, in 1913, Romania completed its regaining of Dobrogea as held by the great Mircea the Old, taking two counties in the south from its neighbour.
Trei Uniri au avut loc in 1918. (Iasiul fiind capitala tarii in acele momente, a capatat si numele de Capitala Celor Trei Uniri.) Ultima dintre aceste trei Uniri a avut loc pe 1 Decembrie, cind Marea Adunare Nationala de la Alba Iulia a votat unirea vesnica a Transilvaniei (impreuna cu Banatul si Crisana care, formal, nu fac parte din Ardeal) cu Patria Mama. Ziua Nationala a Romaniei este 1 Decembrie ca zi in care s-a definitivat unificarea statala a romanilor, nu doar ca zi de alipire a transilvanenilor si a celor din Banat si Crisana cu Tara.
Marea Unire din 1918 a survenit ca rezultat al Marelui Razboi de Reintregire, care i-a costat pe romani numeroase vieti pierdute pe front si suferinte impovaratoare in rindurile populatiei civile.
In 1914 a izbucnit Intiiul Razboi Mondial ca urmare a atentatului de la Saraievo, acelasi an in care a murit regele Carol I. Printul Ferdinand, educat in Romania si deci mai roman decit predecesorul sau, deveni rege spre a se acoperi de si mai multa glorie. Romania a stat deoparte, purtind tratative, si a intrat in razboi abia in 1916, doar dupa primirea de garantii din partea Frantei, Angliei si Rusiei de a primi Transilvania si Bucovina odata Austro-Ungaria invinsa. Conflagratia a fost tragica, peste 200.000 de soldati si 2.000 de ofiteri fiind pierduti pina in 1918, pierderi imense pentru o tara marunta ca Romania timpului. Pierderile civile au fost importante, fiind cauzate de tifos si foamete.
Basarabia, Moldova rasariteana astfel botezata in 1812 cu scopul de a induce in eroare, a fost prima provincie care s-a reintors la Patria Mama. Numele era romanesc, reamintind de dinastia valaha (nicidecum moldoveneasca) a basarabilor care stapinisera cindva o parte din ea, insa aplicat impropriu unui teritoriu cu mult mai important. Revolutia comunista a izbucnit in Rusia in octombrie 1917, cu mari repercusiuni asupra frontului romanesc. Curind dupa aceasta soldatii moldoveni din armata rusa se si intoarsesera acasa, stabilind bazele unui parlament de larga reprezentare si incercind in acelasi timp sa mentina ordinea pe un teritoriu traversat de dezertori rusi ce paraseau frontul in dezordine, constituiti in mici armate de banditi ce terorizau si jefuiau pe civili, atit pe cei din jumatatea rasariteana cit si pe cei din jumatatea apuseana a Moldovei. Romania, redusa ca teritoriu la jumatatea apuseana a Moldovei, confruntata prin dezertarile rusesti cu prabusirea frontului de miazanoapte (din Bucovina si Galitia) a solicitat in mod repetat comandantului armatelor rusesti ajutor efectiv - aceasta a replicat, la rindul sau, ca in conformitate cu instructiunile primite de la noii conducatori ai Rusiei revolutionare (guvernul Kerenski), sarcina sa ar putea fi cel mult de a ocupa restul Moldovei (jumatatea vestica), nicidecum de a ajuta in vreun fel regatul roman.
Odata intocmit Sfatul Tarii, un parlament continind reprezentanti ai fiecarui tinut, ai fiecarei clase sociale si ai fiecarei minoritati etnice, a proclamat Republica Democratica Moldoveneasca pe teritoriul fost gubernii a Basarabiei. Evenimente similarea aveau loc in acel timp si in Finlanda, Lituania, Estonia, Letonia, Ucraina si tari si teritorii oprimate ale imperiului destramat.
Pe 27 Martie (stil vechi) / 9 Aprilie 1918 Parlamentul Republicii Democratice Moldovenesti (Sfatul Tarii) a votat in cea mai democratica maniera Unirea cu Regatul Romaniei (care trecea prin clipe negre, redus teritorial doar la Moldova dintre anii 1812 si 1856, trupele germane ocupind restul tarii). Votul a fost grabit de Rada Ucraineana care ameninta sa ocupe militar fost gubernie a Basarabiei.
Spre sfirsitul toamnei lui 1918 Bucovina si apoi Transilvania
s-au unit cu Romania. In Bucovina Consiliul National Roman a organizat Congresul General
al Bucovinei, care pe 15 Noiembrie - stil vechi / 28 Noiembrie - stil nou, a
votat "Unirea neconditionata si pentru vecie a Bucovinei in
vechile hotare pina la Ceremus, Colacin si Nistru, cu Regatul
Romaniei". Votul s-a desfasurat in Marea Sala Sinodala a
Palatului Mitropolitan din Cernauti si a avut si
sustinerea Consiliului National al Polonezilor si al Consiliului
National al Germanilor din Bucovina. Nu trebuie uitat ca aceasta
batrina regiune a Moldovei fusese intens colonizata de
stapinirea austriaca, cu ruteni si evrei in special, zdruncinind
unitatea nationala, astfel ca elementul romanesc nu mai
detinea in 1918 majoritatea etnica a provinciei artificial create in
1775. Unirea s-a produs deci ca urmare a dreptului istoric.
Alba Iulia, orasul primei uniri a romanilor din 1600, a fost locul unde peste 100.000 de reprezentanti veniti din intreaga Transilvanie, din fiecare oras si din fiecare sat, au votat prin viu grai actul Unirii, la 28 Noiembrie - stil vechi / 1 Decembrie - stil nou.
Lupta pentru Transilvania s-a sfirsit abia anul urmator. Revolutia comunista a lui Bela Kun si-a raspindit otrava in 1919, izbindind in Ungaria si rezultind in proclamarea Republicii Sovietice Ungare. Curind dupa aceasta armatele maghiare atacasera deja frontierele Romaniei, fortind Romania la o reactie severa. Citeva saptamini mai apoi, obtinind victorii incontestabile, Armata Romana a intrat in Budapesta, scapind Ungaria si Europa de amenintarea comunista.
Granitele Romaniei si ale tuturor celorlalte state au fost decise la Marea Conferinta de Pace de la Paris (1919-1920) de catre statele invingatoare (Marea Britanie, Franta, Statele Unite ale Americii, Japonia, Romania, 27 in total), fiind astfel garantate de catre cele mai puternice forte mondiale ale vremii. Frontierele Romaniei au fost decise prin Tratatul de la Palatul Versaille.
In 1927 king Ferdinand closed his eyes forever and Carol II should have followed. Carol II was married to the Greek princess Elena and had a child with her called Mihai (Romanian for Michael). At the same time he also had a scandalous affair with a certain Miss Wolf. Consequence of this absurd situation, in 1926 already Carol II had given up his succession to the throne and the Romanian parliament had sanctioned this renunciation. So, the young Mihai became in 1927 the LAWFUL king, a regency being made up for him, chief of which being patriarch Miron Cristea as head of the Church. That explains the coins struck in 1930 having a child king on obverse.
Helped by the Liberal Party, Carol II returned to Romania in 1930 as usurper of his son to become an unlawful king and violating the Constitution. Carol II brought corruption and immorality, surrounding himself with rich profiteers therefore called 'camarilla'. In 1938 he installed personal dictatorship. He even dared to watch military parades having his lover Miss Wolf next to him in the tribune, quite unbelievable.
Meanwhile Czechoslovakia fell in autumn 1938 and Poland in autumn 1939, the Polish government fleeing to Romania and many Poles also. A secret treaty known as the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact divided Europe and Romania also between Russia (shed into the Soviet Union) and Germany. The consequences of the pact began to show in 1939, when Germany and the Soviet Union BOTH invaded Poland at the same time. Huge Pole territories were ripped that year by the Russians, long before the WW II started. Against all reason, the Soviet Union pretended ever since to have entered Poland to DEFEND it. Remember, the first time the Germans shared Poland with Russia occurred in 1793. Romania was next.
On June 22nd 1940 France capitulated. It was the strongest supporter Romanians had had for almost a century. Triggered by this capitulation, the very next day, Soviet Foreign Affairs minister Molotov announced the German ambassador that the Basarabian problem would not wait any longer.
On June 26th Romania received an ultimatum through which the Soviet Union demanded Basarabia (as being 'theirs') and northern Bucovina (as amends for the 22 years Romania held Basarabia 'abusively'). That day Romania lost 50.000 square kilometers and four million people. The county of Herta, Romanian territory in Moldavia that had NEVER been situated outside national borders also fell to Russian hands, being taken without explanations and not returning up to now. But for the German diplomacy, Soviet demands would have that day gone farther.
Then came the time for Germany to satisfy its own allies. Germany and Italy 'proposed' a so called arbitration between Hungary and Romania. The two self called arbiters commanded Romania to concede Hungary a territory of over 40.000 square kilometers, northern third of Transylvania, populated by 2.600.000 inhabitants, more then a half of which being Romanians, and numbering many Jews and native Germans also along Hungarians. Without any help, Romania was ripped again.
Ioachim von Ribbentrop (German minister of Foreign Affairs) put it in these terms: 'Romania has the power to choose between the perspective of its destruction as state and nation on one hand and the maintaining of the state, territorially reduced, and of the ethnic being of the Romanian people, on the other.'
The same two arbiters had previously given to Hungary a good part of Czechoslovakia.
Another ally of Germany was Bulgaria. The negotiations suggested by the Germans between Romania and its neighbour to the south resulted in conceding to Bulgaria the territory in south Dobrogea got by Romania in 1913. A population exchange smoothed and solved the frontier relations in a more decent manner. Though painful for Romania, this territorial loss was not even a tenth as absurd as the previous two. In all three cases international guarantees and international treaties were not worth a penny and Romania stood alone whenever the dire need arose. Given the situation, Carol II reckoned himself incapable and invested general Ion Antonescu with full chief of the state powers. In 24 hours Antonescu asked Carol II to abdicate. Mihai (king for the second time) confirmed anew the prerogatives of general Antonescu.
From that moment on Romania stood aside Germany. German soldiers entered Romania to confirm German guarantees concerning the new eastern border against Soviet Russia. To speak the truth none of the Romanian borders was sure and Germany only was both willing and capable of preserving that already sad map. On June 22 1941, from Finland to the Romanian seaside a massive offensive caught the Soviets unprepared. In a few days time Russia had less then before the war, fighting to defend its former boundaries. Romanian soldiers crossed river Prut to break the red yoke of Bolshevism from around their brethren necks and to free their desecrated homes. It was the start of what went known as the 'Holy War against Bolshevism' ever after. The Romanian soldiers brought back not only freedom to their kind but also the Cross on their way east. It's not pointless to mention the propaganda movies (quite hard to find and see now) picturing the entry of Romanian troops in Russian villages greeted by old peasants that kissed their hands and scurried to undig crosses, icons and other cult objects hidden beneath the earth since the atheist regime had taken over and getting the cattle out of the stable transformed churches. Sure, this is how propaganda works, one might say, but take notice of the Russian propaganda movies, movies made both by the Russians themselves and at times of peace, picturing happy, smiling people that tied with ropes the crosses atop churches and jerked them down by concerted efforts, laying themselves to several untold profanation acts also.
On true reasons the war in the east is still seen by Romanians as a natural continuation of their old crusades against pagans and that all explains the name of 'Holy War'.
Independent for 22 years only and threatened to become again a gubernia Finland fought along Germany freeing its eastern province of Karelia. Recently found documents show that Soviet airplanes dropped bombs over Romania BEFORE the conflict began on June 22. Despite the minor damages, these acts clearly show the intentions that Russia held in the west. Facts again, not petty passions set Romania aside Hitler. Quite relevant for the European state of spirit of the time are these words of marshal Pétain, leader of a little but at least European France: 'if Germany would be defeated, tomorrow the Soviets would impose the law in Europe and thus the independence and the patriotism for the nations would be over.'
Ion Antonescu outlined similarly: 'Forty Romanian, Finnish, Hungarian divisions absent on the Russian battlefield can lead to losing the war, to our disappearance and to anarchy (communization) for Europe'
Communism is still a great world concern. Many civilized and democratic countries of the world forbid communism today, in 2003 A.D.. Romanian politicians did not agree to see Romania aside Germany, faithful to the Romanian Francophile and somewhat Germanophobe traditions Hitler knew all about. True patriots indeed, since not agreeing to lose an inch many of them insisted Antonescu to instead divide the army and fight both against Germany and the Soviet Union. If you have at least played a little Starcraft then you can see how far were they from understanding the tragedy Romania underwent.
Fairly speaking, Romania fought only Russia the entire war against the Allies. Well, not to mention the famous American B-24's that they brought down successfully. Being sent to bomb the oil region of Ploiesti, most went down, few returned and many landed in neutral Turkey and remained arrested to the end of the war.
What pretensions could have had Romania before the war and given vent to? Let's see. An important Romanian population lived between rivers Nistru and Bug long before the Russians appeared. The Soviets themselves created inside the so called Transnistria (beyond Nistru) a Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Republic. The old Province of Pocutia that Poland and Moldavia disputed for centuries was at the time Polish (let's not forget that Poland and Romania had common borders until 1939 - now the two are hundreds of kilometers away as the Russians invented the western Ukraine).
The valley of the Timoc river that flows to Danube from the south (in Bulgaria) was populated majoritarily by Romanians.
The south of Banat was given in 1918 to Yugoslavia, mostly because Belgrade, the very capital of Yugoslavia is right next to Banat. Though populated by Romanians mostly (and Serbs also), there were no protests - the Serbs being the only neighbour Romanians did not have any disputes throughout history. In Hungary lived at the time about 100.000 Romanians. Easy to notice, the Hungarian minority in Romania grew in number just like Romanians did, but nowadays but a few hundred Romanians of Hungary can speak an approximate Romanian and know what they were and should still be.
Finally, the northern part of Maramures, famous Transylvanian province that gave Moldavia its first voivods, had been given in 1918 to Czechoslovakia for undisclosed reasons, a mistake probably. Here comes something also important for understanding Romanian politics before and during WW2: in 1938 Romania was invited to participate at the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia but refused to assist a crime against justice (even Poland had a share). Romania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia were tied with strong common defense treaties meant to protect them against revisionist Hungary that demanded outloud something from ALL neigbours. Yet again, now Ukraine separates Romania and Slovakia. Romania fought aside Germany as far as Stalingrad and Caucasus. All along Antonescu claimed northern Transylvania back since the führer himself knew it as Romanian (his conversations with Galeazo Ciano). In his turn, Hitler kept demanding Antonescu the Romanian Jews. As it turned out, NO Romanian citizen, being him Jew or whatever, was not to be taken in German custody. Not only those that were defended by the Romanian citizenship received help: Jews from Poland, Hungary and the occupied Transylvania fled to Romania and were secretly facilitated to leave for Palestina through the harbour of Constanta, tens of thousands maybe. The hundreds of thousands victims that just recently some misled, misguided and misjudging self called historians reproached Romania were taken from their homes in Transylvania, round up in trains and sent to Auschwitz or other death cams by Hungarian authorities.
One of the main Nürnberg accusers in which concerns Auschwitz was Nyiszli Miklos originated in Oradea, Romania, sent to death in the years that followed the Vienna Dictate and which was kept as assistant by the famous doctor Mengele, struck and impressed to see his 'Magna cum laudae' medical doctor diploma from Berlin University.
Romanians fell victims in many Transylvanian towns and villages right after the Hungarian occupation. The mass massacres of Ip and Trasnea are notorious. The war in east did not evolve as hoped and in 1944 Antonescu began political movements to retreat and exit the war in decent manner. The camarilla around the young king Mihai and party chiefs that hold old grudges had no interest to obtain a peace made by another. So in 23 August 1944 the palace strike in Bucharest arrested the marchall Antonescu and king Mihai commanded the entire army to cease fire. Disastrous act indeed -ignored by the Russian that took 130.000 Romanian soldiers and officers as prisoners and deported them in the far east without any fight. Yet again, the fact marshal Antonescu was rendered immediately to Russian hands (neither Finn Mannerheim, nor Hungarian Horty suffered the same) picture how unprepared were the complotters to take the power. No decent capitulation clauses were obtained, because Romania surrendered without negotiations. Bad mouths pretend Antonescu was close to obtaining such clauses and the ones surrounding the king were terrified with being left out of the game.
Most of the Romanian soldiers taken prisoners between 23 August and 13 September 1944 died in the far frozen east, few returned after the war, few of them lived in Siberia up to present. 14 Romanian divisions fought then the German army and their allies freeing Transylvania, Hungary and Czechoslovakia along the Russians suffering severe losses.
Before 23 August king Mihai was just REIGNING, chief of the state being general and then marshal Antonescu. After that crucial moment it's rather hard to pretend to have been chief of a country entirely occupied by Russians (industry, railroads, cities, everything). The number of communists until fall 1944 was very small in Romania thanks to the persecutions they suffered between the world wars. Their number had never been over five thousand persons, most of which being russophil Jews. Protected by USSR, communists rapidly grew in number ascending to power and forcing the king to abdicate in 1947. Funny to know, I think king Mihai of Romania was the only person to receive decorations from Hitler and Stalin both (for military merits, of course).
In 1947 the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. The leading organisms of the communist party and of the state were somehow entangled and Soviet influence prevailed in every aspect. Huge amends of war were also imposed by the Soviet Union. Not so short after the war was over, the USSR demanded Romania the Isle of the Serpents in the Black Sea. An occupied country like Romania with no international support could do nothing but lose territory yet again, receiving nothing in exchange.
By 1953 Romanian communists took control of the party, receiving an approval from Stalin in this direction. In a few years (by 19571958), thanks to their ability, the occupation Russian army was gone. Russian soldiers were maintained in many socialist countries until the 1991 collapse of USSR.
Nicolae Ceausescu ascended to power about in 1968, beginning to estrange from the Soviet Union. When Czechoslovakia was invaded in 1968 Ceausescu hold a famous speech and mobilized the Patriotic Forces (paramilitary organization of employees, always ready to fight, resembling the Swiss army) to repel an eventual attack. Romania and Yugoslavia were the only two socialist European countries that didn't send troops to Czechoslovakia. While Ceausescu was president Romania had an excellent diplomacy. Ceausescu rode in coaches or official cars with the queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, several American presidents, the Chinese president, the shah of Iran, almost every leader of the third world and so on. Romanian diplomacy brought together Israeli and Arabs, USSR and China, shortly resuming to claim peace and collaboration between all world countries and external unmingling inside internal affairs. The life quality inside the country was decent to excellent but in his last ten years it degraded fast. That is explained by several causes. The western powers needed Romania less and less as they begun to get along with the Soviet Union, Ceausescu was growing old and becoming to lose touch - he somehow got the idea of loaning money to others and in consequence reduced internal consumption almost to nothing, everything went for export, even eggs and milk that Romania produced a lot. His wife, Elena Ceausescu, which he loved a lot, was not that intelligent but yet ambitious enough to become the second person in state. Trained and skillful diplomats and specialists were removed from around the president leading to grave internal and external aftermaths. On 22 December 1989 Ceausescu was overthrown during a rather difficult to understand series of events that was called by some people revolution. Terror was for sure entertained from outside, Romanians shooting Romanians on the same side. Until 2002 nobody was found guilty for about one thousand casualties. On 25 December Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife were shot after a set up trial secretly undertaken. They were found guilty of over 100.000 victims! and of bringing Arab terrorist to Romania in order to shoot revolutionists. The attorney of defense said he cannot bring anything to their aid and begged the court to be ruthless. I bet you never heard something that stupid!
It's absolutely sure the Romanians wanted Ceausescu removed but it's impossible to assume such profoundly religious and orthodox people would want Ceausescu dead and, moreover, killed on 25 December, the very day Christ was born. When you approach a Romanian town first things you will see will be the steeples and church cupolas that speak so much of the merciful and religious Romanian soul- Romanians do not kill even a mere animal on Christmas, as a national custom.
Romania today has many parties naturally succeeding one another. People is hardly earning their existence and the youth flee if an occasion occurs. Romania at the moment strives to be admitted in NATO, due to the Russians they still fear and which remain very powerful. Sure, Russia is far now, in theory at least.
The Republic of Moldova is also populated majoritarily by Romanians. Poverty is even worse in the RM, fact that democratically brought the communists to power. The fact they are communists should not scare a person that knows how the election mechanism works but the ones that have political power are either Russians or Russian speaking, partially assimilated people, that do not see with good eyes friendly relations with neigbouring Romania. The Russian politics of assimilation begun in 1812 shows today. A lot. History only can explain the present we live.
In 1812 the Moldavia comprised between rivers Prut and Nistru, half of the principality of the time, was conceded by the Turks to Russia, although the Turks did this only DE FACTO, not DE JURE. The gubernia created then was mischiefly called Basarabia (see above more explanations) and a capital was needed to it. A Russian gubernator that saw on the map the long, north to south stretching province, picked as place for the residence to be built the small village of Chisinau, which was situated about in the middle, the very capital of the Republic of Moldavia today. In 1822 the autonomy was taken and Russian language and customs were imposed. Bulgarians, Germans and Ukrainians were colonized to shatter the ethnic realities.
Intellectuals from eastern Moldavia continued to exist but could publish only in the Principality and then Romania, no Latin letters printing machines being allowed to cross the borders of the Empire. Three counties in southern Basarabia gubernia returned to the MotherLand in 1856 but were abusively taken away from the now independent Romania. When the Empire collapsed in 1917 Moldavian soldiers put the seeds of a large representation parliament that voted the union to the kingdom of Romania in 1918 on 27 Mars. Many Romanians still lived even farther east in Transnistria (over Nistru). Transnistria was an arid underpopulated region that began to be colonized in the Middle Age by Moldavians that crossed the Nistru in search of free land and by some Tartars. In this region of Transnistria the Russians created in 1924 a small Moldavian Republic as part of Ukraine. Stalin permitted these Romanians to have Latin alphabet and according publications.
In summer 1940 the Soviet Union occupied the former gubernia and other Romanian territories in Moldavia, starting the persecutions and deportations that lasted long years after the war. About a million victims of Stalinist terror are estimated on left Prut bank Moldavia (starvation, deportations to Asia etc.). Siberia was the destination for all Romanian priests, other intellectuals, even schoolteachers, that did not take refuge beyond Prut. Freed in summer 1941, these hardly tried by fate Romanians lost their freedom again in 1944. Many other countries and territories became Soviet Republics, but in the other cases, some sort of formal ceremonies were held or supposed to have been held. In the Baltic countries for instance, some local soviets (councils) gathered from the masses and voted their union to the USSR in a sort of a congress meant to speak for their people. At least there a legal transition was simulated . As for the territory to become the Moldavian Soviet Republic, things were steep. The Russian troops that entered Romania (eastern Moldavia) rounded some peasant men and peasant women they found by the road, got them in a truck or something and conveyed them to Moscow were those peasants presented to Stalin a plea to accept Moldavia (which Moldavia it's hard to tell) inside the great brotherhood of the Soviet peoples. Stalin granted their wish (he was probably in a good mood, let's just presume that).
The number of Romanians and Romanian territories held by Russia or its avatars were larger in 1944 than ever before. What was to be done with them? They stretched on a long, thin line outside six or seven hundred kilometers outside Romanian borders. That's what they did. The northern Maramures (part of Transylvania), the northern Bucovina (part of Moldavia) and the territory of Herta (part of Moldavia) on one hand (all previously mentioned freshly acquired - for the first time in 1940) and on the other hand the northern part of the former Basarabia gubernia (half of the Moldavian county of Hotin) and the southern part of the same territory, near the sea and the Danube (including the ancient and medieval fortress and city of Cetatea Alba - White Fortress) were given to Ukraine. This is how Stalin's principle of maximum ethnic intricacy aplied. Moreover, the territories formerly mentioned were formally populated by Romanians inside Soviet statistics, the later by Moldavians (???).
The Moldavian Soviet Socialist Autonomous Republic was dissolved. Some became part of Ukraine, the rest was clipped to the freshly created Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic. That Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic is the grandmother of the today called Republic of Moldova. The population of this republic appeared in Soviet statistics s being populated by Moldavians as a DIFFERENT PEOPLE, something opposing to Romanians and not having any connection with them. Along the intellectuals' and even entire village deportations to Siberia, Russia started to distort Language and History. They taught the children in schools Moldavian is a dialect of Russian and that throughout history Moldavians were oppressed by Romanian nobles that robbed them of all they had. Russians, on the other hand, were real protectors and had just given them freedom. No other book or idea was allowed. That so called language of Moldavian was used only secondly after Russian and the Cyrillic alphabet was permitted only in culture, teaching and administration. More colonists arrived, Russians the most, and took all responsibility jobs in both Party and economy. Propaganda did its share also. I saw a strange movie implying the life between the world wars in eastern Moldavia. Moldavians were gathered in a public house and drank with the windows shut, planning to flee to the Soviet Union and singing Russian songs in Russian. All of a sudden Romanian gendarmes broke in the pub, hitting everyone in sight with the gun butts. You can imagine forty years of such propaganda was bound to have some effects. Before the proclamation of Independence in 1991 large political struggles broke in the Parliament of USSR and on the streets of Chisinau for Romanian language and Latin letters. The Baltic Republics, the only allowed to use Latin alphabet helped the Moldavians a lot printing their first publications after 45 years in Latin characters. (I recently heard that before WW2 Uzbekistan used Latin letters, maybe other Central Asia Soviet republics did that too; from what I know, Turkmenistan only resumed the usance of the Latin alphabet after 1991. The decoy Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic inside Ukraine used them between 1932 and 1938 under Stalin.)
The independence 1991 meant a lot. The national colors red, yellow and
blue appeared on the national flag of the Republic of Moldova, the currency
became the LEU, just like in Romania, the national anthem was 'Wake up,
Romanian' - anthem of Romania also. Bridges of flowers were organized: people
from both sides of Prut crossed the border in great numbers without needing any
passports and throwing in the river huge bunches of flowers. In seemed like the
reunion was inevitable when a war started in Transnistria. The alogen people,
Russians and Russian speaking nationalities, majoritary in Tiraspol, largest
town in Moldavian Transnistria launched a powerful assault on the new
authorities. They took over Tiraspol and a few villages on left bank of Nistru
and pushed back Moldavian policemen defending the bridge, occupying also
Tighina, old Moldavian city and fortress on the right bank. Chisinau
was close and only the heroic struggle of volunteers and policemen armed with
nothing but handguns held back the separatists helped by the powerful 14th Russian
army that still resides in Tiraspol despite their formal intentions to leave.
The separatists had at the time machine guns and even tanks from general Lebed,
chief of the 14th Russian Army and then member of the Parliament of the self
proclaimed Republic of Transnistria. From that moment on Russia kept on
increasing its influence in Moldavia and the two states populated by Romanians
seem somehow to grow apart. The national anthem was changed to 'Limba
noastra' (Our tongue/language) poem wrote by a priest originated in
the gubernia of Basarabia and one of the most beautiful hymns dedicated to the
Romanian language. The poem was preferred because the word Romanian does not
appear inside it, but now Russian speaking communists want to change it,
because 'in our republic several languages are spoken'. Communists
came to power in the Republic of Moldova two or three years ago, pretending
they can bring back the slight prosperity there was in communist times before.
The communists speak now again of the ethnic difference of Moldavians and about
their own language (not a regional idiom, an apart language itself), somehow
admitting the 'Moldavian people' to be somehow related to the
Moldavians of Romania and Ukraine but not admitting any similarity to the
Walachians and Transylvanians. Some pronunciation differences between the
Romanians 'inside' and 'outside' there are though; they are
mainly due to the long use of Cyrillic, since Cyrillic is not fit to picture
Romanian sounds and generally Romance languages. Large meetings kept the
capital Chisinau in the streets for long months in winter 2001 and
spring 2002, the intellectuals and the studious youth marching for Romanian
language and history (that communists planned and are planning to ban from
education) and integration inside Europe. Other issues were also uttered. The
Metropolitan Church of Basarabia that existed between the wars in Romania and
was again set after 1991 is not recognized by the authorities. That defies the
European Council decisions AND Orthodox Church rules. The orthodox rule is that
one language has its one and only patriarch as shepherd. The Chisinau
authorities accept only the Metropoly the Russian Church created after 1991.
This conflict is the reason for which the Russian church missed all the last orthodox ecumenic meetings.
These crimes against human rights are insignificant if we look over what happens in Transnistria. People of Romanian or Moldavian origin, whatever do you want to call it, are forbidden to use their language or study in their language. Moldavian fighters in 1992 are still kept captive in Transnistrian prisons. Ilie Ilascu for instance, was deputy (representative) in the Chisinau Parliament for two sessions and only a paper with his name on stood on his seat while he was in prison. Now senator in the Bucharest Parliament, needed long interventions in the Council of Europe (Romania holding the presidency) to be freed and occupy his function of Romanian and European Member of Parliament. Russian influence is getting stronger in the Republic of Moldova, but so does the new generation that was brought up in a red propaganda free environment and had access to the historical truth.
To enlight yourself on many interesting facts of the Romanian history such as the formation of the early Middle Age Romanian states, you should definitely read the Elements of Romanian Heraldry section, might you be or not a heraldry addict though!
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