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Customer service in travel and tourism


OBIECTIVELE unitatii de invatare nr.

Principalele obiective ale unitatii de invatare Nr.  sunt:

Identifying various types of customers

Describing the relationship between one company's employees and the customers

Identifying the characteristics of the customer service department

tourism facilities; specific needs; external customer; internal customer;

Leisure and tourism facilities are used by a wide variety of people, including those with specific needs, such as disabled visitors and people with young children. All require a high level of customer service.

To provide excellent customer service, one will need to identify and meet the differing needs of a wide variety of customers, including:

  • individuals
  • groups
  • people of different ages
  • people from different cultures
  • people with specific needs, eg sight and hearing impaired people, wheelchair access, facilities for young children
  • business men and women

Customer service includes providing service to both external customers and internal customers.External customers are an organisation's consumers or visitors. They often pay for products or services and expect to be treated well.

External customers are the most important part of a leisure and tourism business; without customers, there would be no business! They must be given the highest standards of service so that they come back again and tell their friends about the good time they had.

Internal customers are the people you work with, for example other employees of the organisation working in another department. It might seem strange at first to think of their colleagues as customers, but they have the same responsibility to each other as they do to other external customers.

Test de autoevaluare 1.

Enlarge upon various types of customers;

Raspunsul se va da in spatiul gol de mai sus.

leisure; customer; communication; appropriate questions/answers;

Most people working in leisure and tourism will, at some time, have contact with customers. This may be face to face, over the telephone or in writing. All customers will expect to receive a very high standard of communication.

When communicating with customers you one employee needs to use appropriate:

  • language
  • pitch and tone of voice
  • pauses and silences
  • body language

He/she will also need to be able to:

  • work accurately
  • listen and respond to customers
  • ask appropriate questions (using open and closed questions)

Test de autoevaluare 2.

Enlarge upon the employees' communication with customers;

Raspunsul se va da in spatiul gol de mai sus.

customer service department; complaint; independent unit; appellant;

The Customer Service Department handles complaints received from railway customers and the broader public, in a fair objective and businesslike manner. The Customer Service Department is an independent unit subject to the Service Division. 

The Customer Service Department may be addressed with anything: a query, a proposal for improving efficiency, or an expression of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the service.

Before sending an appeal, it is recommended that the following details be included:

The name of the appellant.

At least one option for response or contact in the event that further clarification is required.

The date and time of the said event.

Details of the involved factors.

Test de autoevaluare 3.

Describe the customer service department;

Raspunsul se va da in spatiul gol de mai sus.

In loc de rezumat

Am ajuns la sfarsitul unitatii de invatare nr.

Va recomand sa faceti o recapitulare a principalelor subiecte prezentate in aceasta unitate si sa revizuiti obiectivele precizate la inceput.

Este timpul pentru intocmirea Lucrarii de verificare nr. 5 pe care urmeaza sa o transmiteti tutorelui.

Lucrare de verificare unitate de invatare nr. 5

Enlarge upon the factors that influence the relationship between employees and customers in the tourism and travel industry;

Make up a short text in which to use the following terms: pause; leisure; standard; visitor;

Raspunsurile testelor de autoevaluare

Raspuns 1

Raspuns 2.

Raspuns 3.

Bibliografie unitate de invatare nr. 5

Collins, V. R. - The Tourism Society's Dictionary for the Tourism Industry, Harper Collins, 2008

O'Keefe, M. / Dubicka, I. - English for International Tourism Pre-intermediate Level Coursebook, Longman, 2002

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