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Working in the travel and tourism industry


OBIECTIVELE unitatii de invatare nr.

Principalele obiective ale unitatii de invatare Nr.  sunt:

Describing the types of jobs in the travel and tourism industry

Describing the non-graduate jobs

Describing the graduate jobs

dollar-denominated currency; decymal system; banknote; nickname;


The travel and tourism industry is a booming one. Employment is always in high demand, because being a service-oriented industry requires a lot of manpower to fill the demands of the customers.

Jobs vary in numerous fields. There is always something for everyone. Government agencies have lots of available positions plus the plethora of private companies that seem to be always hiring competent people.

This industry is flourishing because the number of travelers is always growing. Additionally, travelers are often very demanding and they always seek satisfaction in every way possible. Whether they travel for business or pleasure, they want good service. This is the collective traveler attitude that generates lots of travel and tourism jobs for people like you.

Travel and tourism jobs come in a large variety of types. Travelers that are in it for pleasure and vacation open employment doors to people who specialize in giving service or entertainment. The demands for waiters, bartenders, musicians, tourist guides, diving instructors, adventure escorts, and plenty of others are continually increasing.

Traveling means airports and other travel stations. There is an abundance of job positions from these institutions. These are great places to find work.

As travelers come in different races, culture, and personalities, new type of jobs are starting to exist. People have evolving needs and these needs gave birth to strange jobs. Strange travel jobs like Karaoke Taxi drivers, Sewer guides, scuba tour guides, and coconut tree and fruit engineers.

Security is also a priority for travelers. The employment in the security industry increases especially in areas where tourists usually stay or visit. The government and most businesses understand this necessity, the reason why some establishments have very extensive security dealings. People that specialize in these field benefit from the employment and its rate of compensation.

Also, hotels are one of the best places to get travel and tourism jobs. They have lots of job positions available. The bigger the hotel the more manpower is needed. Hotels, especially international ones, offer less popular and specialty jobs just to cater to the needs and whims of their valuable patrons. These skill specific jobs, like yoga instructors, pay well along with potentially huge tips from satisfied customers.

Tourist guides and adventure travel escorts are in demand as well. Vacationers always want worthwhile experiences. Vacationers will need all the help they can get from these experts to make their travels more meaningful.

I almost failed to mention the foremost haven of highly favored travel jobs, the cruise liners. They are fun jobs and you can get huge tips that could significantly enhance your money-saving capabilities.

In summary, travel and tourism jobs are everywhere. They outfit different kinds of people with different kinds of skill sets. If you love to travel and like to deal with people, find yourself a travel job. You won't regret it.

Test de autoevaluare 1.

Describe a job in tourism and travel industry;

Raspunsul se va da in spatiul gol de mai sus.

seasonal job; recruitment agent; working holiday; tourist hot spot;

Seasonal jobs are posted by specialist recruitment agents and suitable for students and holiday travellers working their way. Working holidays are a popular past time for gap students or foreign visitors. Catering jobs and hospitality vacancies can be found including chef jobs and kitchen staff, waitressing and waiter or restaurant staff in tourist hot spots.

Ski and skiing jobs such as chalet jobs are often posted. Resort jobs and hotel jobs, cooking and cooks jobs are required for many areas. All types of employment can be found from activity camps holiday opportunities to working in bars pubs or clubs. Beach resort, christmas jobs or cruise ship jobs to fruit picking for gap year jobs. Leisure vacancies such as fitness jobs and sports employment, training and health or beauty jobs working in health centres or spa are to restaurant and café positions. Theme and amusement park jobs or hotel and chalets jobs are required in various tourist resorts.

Backpacking jobs and travel jobs are for part time summer work or leisure work during the winter. Such work includes receptionist job, chef jobs and many other catering or hospitality jobs.

Test de autoevaluare 2.

Describe a non-graduate job in the tourism and travel industry;

Raspunsul se va da in spatiul gol de mai sus.

travel consultancy; catering management; hotel management; sales;

Occupations and career pathways in the tourism and hospitality industry include:

Travel Consultancy

Catering Management

Tour Guide

Promotions Officer

Event Coordinator

Food & Beverage Management

Hotel Management

Sales and Marketing

Human Resources.

Test de autoevaluare 3.

Describe a graduate job in tourism and travel industry;

Raspunsul se va da in spatiul gol de mai sus.

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Este timpul pentru intocmirea Lucrarii de verificare nr. 4 pe care urmeaza sa o transmiteti tutorelui.

Lucrare de verificare unitate de invatare nr. 4

Enumerate several non-graduate jobs and graduate jobs in the tourism and travel industry;

Make up a short text in which to use the following terms:  promotions officer; kitchen staff; sports employment; tourist resort;


Raspunsurile testelor de autoevaluare


Raspuns 1

Raspuns 2.

Raspuns 3.

Bibliografie unitate de invatare nr. 4

Collins, V. R. - The Tourism Society's Dictionary for the Tourism Industry, Harper Collins, 2008

O'Keefe, M. / Dubicka, I. - English for International Tourism Pre-intermediate Level Coursebook, Longman, 2002

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