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Teorii si modele ale cresterii economice

Societatea de azi se bazeaza pe informatie si cunoastere - cu precadere economiile dezvoltate care se confrunta cu fenomenul de concurenta din partea economiilor emergente, intr-o lume globalizata. Todays society is based on information and knowledge - especially the developed economies that are facing the competition phenomenon that comes from the emergent economies, in a globalized world. Raspunsul la provocarea generata de globalizare nu este sa ne repliem asupra noi insine, recurgand la noi forme de protectionism, ci sa inovam. The response to the challenge produced by the globalization isn't to double back at our selves, getting down to new models of protectionism, but to inovate. Strategia Uniunii Europene adoptata la Lisabona pentru cresterea economica vizeaza crearea de locuri de munca si asigurarea unei cresteri economice durabile ca raspuns la aceste provocari, bazandu-se pe urmatoarele elemente: a) informatie, cunoastere si inovare; b) valorificarea potentialului intreprinderilor (agentilor economici); c) investitia in resursele umane; d) o economie mai ecologica. The European Union's strategy, addopted at Lisabon, for economic growth aims at bringing into being jobs and the assurance of a lasting economic growth as a response to these challenges, based on the following elements: a) information, knowledge and innovation; b) exploitation of the enterprises' (economic agents); c) investition in human resources; d) an ecological economy.

Prezenta Teza de doctorat este expusa pe 340 pagini si este structurata pe 4 capitole. The folowing PhD thesis is displayed on 340 pages and it is structured on 4 chapters.

Capitolul I. Teorii si modele ale cresterii economice - acest capitol reflecta preocuparile pentru conceptualizarea procesului si a variabilelor ecuatiei generale a cresterii economice; teorii ale cresterii economice: teoria si modelul clasic al cresterii. Modelul keynesian si modelele neokeynesiene (Harrod - Domar). Modelul neoclasic de crestere. Descompunerea si rezidiul Solow; noile teorii ale cresterii economice. Cresterea economica endogena. Modelul Romer (1986); Modelul Romer (1990); Modelul Lucas; Acumularea de capital uman; aportul factorilor la cresterea si dezvoltarea economica; concluzii rezultate din teoriile cresterii economice endogene. Noile abordari ale cresterii economice. Consensul de la Washington. Chapter I. Theories and patterns of the economic growth - this chapter reflects the concerns regarding the conceptualisation of the process and of the variables of the general ecuation of the economic growth, theories of the economic growth: the classic theory and pattern of the growth. The decomposition and Solow residium; the new theories of the economic growth. The endogenous economic growth. Romer's pattern (1986); Romer's pattern (1990); Lucas' pattern; Accumulation of human capital; the factor's contribution to the economic growth and development; conclusions resulted from the endogenous economic growth theories. The new landing of the economic growth. The Consensus of Washington.

Noile abordari ale cresterii economice cunoscute sub denumirea "Consensul de la Washington", au devenit o reteta de politici pentru cresterea economica si stabilitatea financiara pe care importante institutii financiare a impus-o unor tari in curs de dezvoltare, care aveau nevoie de imprumuturi temporare pentru a depasi criza financiara. Insa, daca a existat vreodata un consens cel putin intre cei care elaboreaza politici si economistii care s-au ghidat dupa modelul Washington in identificarea politicilor care contribuie cel mai puternic la cresterea economica, acum el nu mai este valabil. Lucrul acesta este recunoscut de analistii politici (precum Williamson si Rodrick, printre altii) care scriu despre crestere si dezvoltare, ca si in rezultatele diverse si uneori inconsistente ale numeroaselor studii statistice care incearca sa explice diferenta uriasa dintre tari cu privire la paradigmele dezvoltarii. The new landing of the economic growth knowns as "The consensus of Washington", became a prescription of politics for the economic growth and for the financial stability that important financial institutions layed down to some developing countries, that nedeed temporary loans for overpassing the financial crisis. However, if sometime there was an agreement at least between those that ekaborate politics and the economists that have guided after the Washington model in identifying the politics that most strongly contributes to the economic growth, now it is not valid any more. This fact is acknowledged by the politic analysts (such as Williamson and Rodrick, through others) that write about growth and development, as in the different and sometimes inconsistent results of the numerous statistics studies that try to explain the huge difference between the countries regarding the development's paradigm.

Capitolul II. Informatia - factor de productie in cadrul societatii informationale este consacrat definirii si relevarii tipologiei acestui nou factor de productie. Totodata se analizeaza informatia in structura si functionarea sistemelor economice. In statele cu o economie avansata, activitatile care au ca obiect producerea, prelucrarea, administrarea si difuzarea informatilor formeaza un domeniu distinct denumit, sectorul economic al informatiei sau sectorul cuaternar. Chapter II. The information - production factor inside the informational society is established for the definition and disclosion of the typology of this new factor of production. Therewith it is analysed the information in the structure and functioning of the economic systems. In the countries with a high economy, the activities that have as an object producing, processing, managing and broadcasting the information form a domain hat is named distinctly, the economic sector of the information and the quaternary sector.

Informatia constituie un element omniprezent in activitatile de conceptie, decizie si comunicarea, inerente actiuni umane la scara sistemelor economice. La nivelul firmelor de afaceri informatia se prezinta intr-o pluralitate de ipostaze complementare asa cum se va vedea la studierea acestui capitol. The information is an ubiquitous element in the conception, decision and communication activities, humaninherent activities on the economic systems scale. At the businesses companies' level, the information is presented in a multiplicity of complementary aspects as it can be seen in the study of this chapter.

Capitolul III. Cercetarea stiintifica si inovarea - Stiinta este ansamblul cunostintelor umane asupra naturii, a societatii si a gandirii si este constituita din relatii si legitati obiective, verificate experimental, ea fiind produsa de cercetarea stiintifica. Raspunzand nevoilor de perfectionare si marire a productiei materiale, a economiei in general si a dezvoltarii vietii spirituale a societatii, cercetarea stiintifica se desfasoara azi conform unor programe clare si realiste, concepute de specialisti si nu de politicieni sau de nonvalori, prin asa numita politica a cercetarii, de organisme special create de guverne, in care sunt cooptate mintile cele mai inteligente si mai competente ale natiunii. Inovarea ca factor important in procesul cresterii economice reprezinta o realizare care consta in aplicarea unei idei sau inventii a unor produse, tehnologii sau sisteme in activitatea economica. Chapter III. The scientific research and innovation - Science is the ensemble of the human knowledges on nature, society and thought and it is constituted out of objective relations and legities, experimentaly checked, it being produced by the scientific research. Answering to the needs of improvement and raising of the substantial production, of the economy in general and of the society's spiritual life development, the scientific research is displaying today according to some clear, realistic programms, made by specialists and not by politicians nor by non-values, through out the so called politics of research, by bodies especially created by the governments, in which the most intelligent and competent minds of the nation are co-opted. The innovation as a main factor in the economic growth process represents a fulfill that consists of applying some ideas or invention of some products, technologies or systems in the economic activity.

Totodata, competitivitatea unei natiuni depinde, de capacitatea industriala de a-si innoi si dezvolta unele intreprinderi. Competitivitatea economica, este, de asemenea, strans legata de eficienta pe piata bunurilor economice, pe piata muncii si pe piata financiara, in epoca actuala, piata constituind una din realitatile cele mai complexe. Competitivitatea se bazeaza pe procesul de inovare. Astfel, apar produse noi, obtinute in urma procesului de inovare si, in acelasi timp, procesele de productie sunt mai complexe. Therewith, the competivity of a nation depends on the industrial capacity of renewing and developing some enterprises. The economic competivity, is, as well, tight related to the efficience on the economic goods market, on the labour market and on the financial market, in this time, the market is one of the most complex realities. The competivity is based on the innovation process. So, new products are comming, obtained as a result of the innovation process and, in the same time, the production processes are more complex.

Activitatea de cercetare stiintifica in SUA, de exemplu, este foarte bine reglementata si organizata. Rolul si jurisdictia revizuirilor ulterioare in cadrul guvernului federal al SUA continua sa creasca. Pe langa existenta unui numar crescand de programe finantate de cercetare-dezvoltare, care sunt revizuite ulterior, sunt revizuite si aspecte generale ale sistemului de cercetare - dezvoltare. In Japonia, ¾ din cercetarea stiintifica se realizeaza de intreprinderi, iar cercetarea publica se realizeaza in laboratoare invechite. Guvernul japonez a demarat o serie de masuri cu scopul de a reorienta cercetarea stiintifica. Reforma sistemului presupune: selectia domeniilor si prioritatilor bugetare, evaluarea implementarii planului si evaluarea rezultatelor, aplicarea unor reguli de cooperare intre diferite componente institutionale ale sistemului de cercetare-dezvoltare, elaborarea unor metode de reglementare, aplicarea tehnologiilor aerospatiale, reglementarea proprietatii intelectuale, reforma Consiliului Stiintei din Japonia (SCJ). Franta se situeaza extrem de bine intr-un clasament ad-hoc al nivelului cantitativ atins de sistemul sau de cercetare stiintifica. Industria manufacturiera contribuie cu aprox. 18% la formarea PIB francez, serviciile private, inclusiv agricultura, cu aprox. 34%, iar serviciile publice cu cca. 48% din PIB. The scientific research activity in the USA, for example, is very well established and organized. The role and jurisdiction of the subsequent revision inside the federeal Government of the USA continue to raise. Beside the existence of a growing number of research-development financed programms, that are subsequently revised, there are revised even general aspects of the research-development system. In Japan, ¾ of the scientific research is done by the enterprises, and the public research is fulfiled in old laboratories. The Japanese Government started a number of measures for the reorientation of the scientific research. The system reform presumes the selection of the budgetary domains and priorities, the evaluation of the plan's implementation and evaluation of the results, applying some co-operating rules between different institutional components of the research-development system, elaboration of some establishing methods, applying the airspace technologies, establishing the intellectual property, The Science Councile of Japan reform (SCJ). France is placed very well in an ad-hoc top of the quantity level touched by its scientific research system. The manufacturing industry contributes with aproximate 18% to the French GDP forming, the private services, including agriculture, with aproximate 34%, and the public services with about 48% of GDP.

In Romania activitatile de cercetare-dezvoltare continua sa se desfasoare in proportie de peste 60% in sectorul public. Una din politicile urmarite in ultimii ani vizeaza dezvoltarea infrastructurii specifice activitatii de cercetare-dezvoltare. Pentru investitii s-a alocat o pondere mica din totalul cheltuielilor de cercetare dezvoltare, mai exact pentru achizitiile de echipamente si aparatura (16,18% - in anul 2007). In Romania the research-developing activities continue to be displayed over 60% in the public sector. One of the politics followed in the last years aims at the develoment of the specific infrastructure to the research-development activity. For investments there is a small weight assigned from the whole of the research development expenses, to be more precise for the equipment and apparatus purchasing (16,18% - in 2007).

In acest moment, economia tarii noastre se afla in faza unor avantaje comparative de tipul celor care decurg din producerea de bunuri consumatoare de manopera ieftina (labor intensive) sau/si de resurse naturale mai putin prelucrate (natural resource intensive), avantaje nu doar temporare, ci si discutabile, prin consecintele lor devastatoare, in unele cazuri. In this moment, the economy of our country is in the faze of some comparative advantages just like those that come out of the production of goods that consumm cheap manual labor (labor intensive) or/and of less processed natural resources (natural resource intensive), not just temporary advantages, but even arguable, through their devastating consequences, in some cases.

Daca avem in vedere etapele dezvoltarii, Romania se afla in stadiul doi de dezvoltare, stadiu in care domina productia unor bunuri mai simple, cu prelucrare ce necesita forta de munca relativ ieftina, dar si cu un inceput de transfer, prin delocalizare, al prelucrarii unor bunuri standardizate, desigur, in cautarea unor costuri mai mici si sporirea eficientei. If we take into consideration the development's stages, Romania is in the second stage of development, stage in which the production of some simple goods persists, goods that have the processing that needs cheap labor force, but with a transfer start, through delocalisation, of the standardized goods processing, , of course, in seaking of some lower costs and the efficiency enhacement.

Potrivit World Economic Forum, in anul 2008, Romania se afla pe penultima pozitie in Uniunea Europeana, in ceea ce priveste indicele global de competitivitate, depasind doar Bulgaria. According to World Economic Forum, in 2008, Romania was on the penultimate position in the European Union, in which concerns the global competivity index, surpassing only Bulgaria.

In primul rand, mediul institutional trebuie redefinit prin inlaturarea birocratiei excesive, coruptiei, relei-credinte in abordarea contractelor de achizitii publice, lipsei de transparenta si de incredere a sistemului judiciar etc., toate acestea impunand costuri economice semnificative pentru intreprinderi si incetinind procesul de dezvoltare economica. In the first place, the institutional environment must be redefined by removing the excesive bureaucracy, corruption, the bad faith in the onsetting the public purchasing contracts, the lack of transparency and of faith of the judicial system etc., all of these calling for main economic costs for enterprises and slowing down the economic development process.

Pe de alta parte, cu o retea feroviara imbatranita si drumuri distruse, Romania este foarte departe, si in ceea ce priveste infrastructura, de celelalte state din regiune, ocupand si la acest capitol ultimul loc in ierarhia statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene. On the other hand, with an old railway network and damaged roads, Romania is very far, even in what concerns the infrastructure, from the other countries in the region, engrosing even at this chapter the last place in the European Union's member states hierarchy.

Facand un studiu comparativ privind competitivitatea in Uniunea Europeana, constatam ca si in ceea ce priveste stabilitatea macroeconomica, Romania este clasata pe locul 23 din totalul celor 27 tari membre ale Uniunii, acest loc putand fi explicat, in primul rand, prin politica fiscala ineficienta, inflatia relativ ridicata, cresterea deficitului de cont curent si lipsa investitiilor in anumite domenii importante, precum infrastructura. De asemenea, investitiile in furnizarea de servicii sanitare, precum si in educatie sunt absolut necesare nu doar din consideratii morale, dar si pentru ca afecteaza, la randul lor, intreaga economie. Fulfiling a comparative study regarding the competivity in the European Union, we can see that even in what concerns the macroeconomics stability, Romania is on the 23rd position out of the 27 Union's member states, this place could be explained, on the first place, through the innefficient fiscal politics, relatively high inflation, defficite of cheque account growth and the lack of investments in some main domains, such as infrastructure. Besides, the investments in supplying the sanitary services, as well as in teaching are absolute necessarly not just from moral reasons, but even for the fact that it affects the entire economy.

Educatia permanenta reprezinta un element esential pentru dezvoltarea societatii bazate pe cunoastere, considerat a fi principalul motor de dezvoltare competitiva. Din pacate, educatia superioara si educatia pe parcursul intregii vieti reprezinta un alt aspect la care Romania a ramas in urma, deoarece oferta de instruire tinde sa se concentreze pe programe pentru aptitudini generale (utilizare computer, limbi straine, contabilitate etc.) si mai putin pe aptitudini specifice. The permanent teaching represents an essential element for the development of the society based on knowledge, considered to be teh main engine of competitive development. Unfortunately, the superior teaching and the teaching during the whole life is anotehr aspect to which Romania is behind, because the training offer tends to focus on programms for general aptitudes (using the computer, foreign languages, accountancy, etc.) and less on specific aptitudes.

Competitivitatea economica, este, de asemenea, strans legata de eficienta pe piata bunurilor economice, pe piata muncii si pe piata financiara, in epoca actuala, piata constituind una din realitatile cele mai complexe. The economic competivity, is, as well, very related to the efficiency on the economic goods market, on the labor market and on the financial market, in this time, the market is one of the most complex realities.

Un alt factor important care contribuie la cresterea competitivitatii economiei si la dezvoltarea infrastructurii informationale este reprezentat de extinderea sustinuta a pietei tehnologiei informatiei si comunicatiilor. Another important factor that contributes to the economy's competivity growth and to the informational infrastructure development is being represented by the sustained extend of the informational technology and communications market.

Desi in domeniul TIC, Romania inregistreaza una din cele mai accentuate dinamici la nivel regional, progresul tarii noastre in domeniul societatii informationale si oportunitatile sale viitoare sunt departe de a fi satisfacatoare. Si in functie de inovare si complexitatea afacerilor (piloni ai stadiului III de dezvoltare competitiva), Romania se situeaza din nou pe ultimele locuri in Uniunea Europeana. Desi in Romania, activitatea de cercetare, dezvoltare si inovare (CDI) are la baza existenta unei traditii valoroase, resursele materiale si financiare reduse nu favorizeaza realizarea de performante, ca si oportunitatile oferite de programele de cercetare din alte tari au condus treptat la reducerea numarului de cercetatori din tara noastra si a activitatii de cercetare-dezvoltare, ceea ce explica locul ocupat de Romania, in ceea ce priveste activitatea de inovare, in ierarhia tarilor Uniunii Europene. Eventhough in the IT&C domain, Romania has one of the most emphasized dinamics at the regional level, our country's progress in the informational society field and its future oportunities are far of being satisfying. And related to innovation and the businesses complexity (pylons of the third stage of competitive development), Romania is again on the last places in the European Union. Though in Romania, the research, development and innovation activity (RDI) is based on teh existence of a valuable tradition, the reduced physical and financial resources does not help the accomplishment of performances, as the opportunities offered by the research programms from other countries have lead, step by step, to reducing the number of researchers from our country and of the research-development activity, fact that explains the place on which Romania is, regarding the innovation activity, in the European Union's states hierarchy.

Prin urmare, Romania trebuie sa integreze Agenda Lisabona printr-un proces de sustinere a prioritatilor nationale in domeniul dezvoltarii competitive in contextul larg al integrarii europene. Acest lucru presupune elaborarea unor politici convergente care sa raspunda problemelor puse de competitia internationala. Consequently, Romania must integrate the Lisbon Agenda through a proces of sustaining the national priorities in the domain of the competitive development in the large context of European integration. This fact presumes the framing of some convergence politics that should repsond to the problems raised by the international competition.

Capitolul IV. Impactul sectorului TIC asupra cresterii economice - TIC constituie o sursa importanta pentru crearea de noi produse si servicii, si de locuri de munca, mai intai in cadrul propriului sector si, prin expansiunea productiei si a schimburilor, si in alte activitati economice. Dezvoltarea in paralel a Societatii Informationale favorizeaza castiguri tot mai mari de bunastare sociala. Intre tarile lumii exista insa diferente mari in ceea ce priveste infrastructurile, capitalul uman, efortul de investire, iar disparitatile ce se apreciaza intre diferiti indicatori utilizati pentru a aproxima nivelul relativ de dezvoltare regionala a TIC sunt enorme. De asemenea, concentrarea noilor tehnologii in tarile dezvoltate, sustinuta de eforturi masive de cercetare si dezvoltare, va adanci si mai mult decalajul dintre tarile bogate si cele sarace. Chapter IV. The impact of the IT&C sector on the economic growth - IT&C is a main source for creating new products and services, and jobs, first of all inside its own sector and, through the expansion of production and of trades, in other economic activities. The development in parallel of the Informational Society privileges bigger earnings of social prosperity. Between the world's countries there are still big differences in what concernes the infrastructures, human capital, the invetment effort, and the disparitions that are being calculated between different indexes used for aproximating the relative regional development level of the IT&C are huge. As well, focusing the new technologies in the developed countries, sustained by massive research and development efforts, will deepen even more the disparty between the ritch and poor countries.

Dinamismul si complexitatea societatii moderne caracterizate prin cresterea continua a volumului si diversitatii informatiilor prelucrate si utilizarea pe scara larga a tehnologiei informatiei si comunicatiilor au marcat inceputul unei noi etape a civilizatiei umane, aceea a societatii informationale. Ea permite accesul larg la informatie al tuturor membrilor sai si presupune un nou mod de viata, de munca si de cunoastere, calitativ superior, care are la baza folosirea intensiva a informatiilor in toate sferele activitatii si existentei. Informatia devine azi o resursa esentiala in dezvoltarea societatii in plan economic, politic si social. In acest context, firmele si economiile nationale cauta permanent noi cai de crestere economica, crestere a productivitatii si competitivitatii. The dynamism and complexity of the modern society described through the continuous growth of the volume and diversity of processed information and using on a large scale the informational technology and communications had marked the start of a new stage of the human civilisation, the informational society one. It allows the large access to information of all its members and presumes a new way of life, work and knowledge, qualitatively superior, that is based on intensive use of information in all the activities and existence domains. The information becomes today an essential resource in the development of the society on the economic, political and social field. In this context, the companies and national economies are permanently searching for new ways of economic growth, growth of the productivity and competivity.

Cercetarea intreprinsa cu privire la influenta noilor factori de productie (informatia , tehnologiile etc.) asupra cresterii economice in cadrul societatii informationale permite formularea anumitor concluzii. Dintre factorii productivi, tehnologia a constituit obiectul multor controverse in literatura economica, diversi autori incercand sa-i explice natura si sa masoare contributia sa la cresterea natiunilor. Sub influenta progresului tehnic contemporan, au loc schimbari importante in activitatea economica si, mai ales, in procesul de productie. In primul rand, este vorba de cresterea si diversificarea productiei de bunuri si servicii; in al doilea rand, au loc schimbari sistematice in limitele si premisele de desfasurare a productiei; in al treilea rand, prin transformarea progresului tehnic in factorul hotarator al progresului economic, a avut loc o crestere importanta a eforturilor umane, materiale si financiare antrenate in activitatea de cercetare si inovare; in al patrulea rand, organizarea productiei se bazeaza pe principiul integrarii activitatii si al flexibilitatii. The research made regarding the influence of the new factors of production (information, technologies, etc.) on the economic growth inside the informational society allows the creation of some conclusions. Among the productive factors, the technology has been the object of a lot of controversies in the economics literature, different authors trying to explain its nature and to measure its contribution to the nation growth. Under the influence of the contemporary technical progress, there are important changes in the economic activity and, especially, in the production process. In the first place, it is about the growth and diversification of the goods and services production; on the second place, there are systematic changes inside the limits and premises of displaying the production; on the third place, through the change of the technic progress into the decisive factor of the economic progress, there has been taking place an important growth of the human, physical and financial efforts handled in the research and innovation activity; in the fourth place, organizing the production is based on the activity integration and flexibility principle.

Tehnologia Informatiei si Comunicatiilor este considerata a fi o tehnologie cu scop generalizat, deoarece toate sectoarele economice utilizeaza informatia in procesul productiv, ceea ce inseamna ca toate sectoarele ar putea beneficia de pe urma utilizarii acestor tehnologii si de aceea a fost apreciata unul dintre factorii esentiali de crestere economica experimentata de economiile dezvoltate de-a lungul anilor. Dintre aceste tehnologii, nu incape indoiala, internetul a jucat rolul central, actionand ca un impulsor in crearea de noi firme si servicii. Cu toate acestea, evidenta disponibila cu privire la utilizarea internetului de catre firme este saracacioasa; doar in ultimii ani, organizatiile statistice oficiale au inceput sa abordeze aceasta tema in contextul studierii asa-numitei Societati Informationale. Information Technology and Communications is considered to be a technology with a generalized purpose, because all these economic sectors use the information in the productive process, fact that means that all the sectors could beneffit of using these technologies and this is the reason why it has been appreciated as one of the essential factors of economic growth experimented by the developed economies along the years. Among these technologies, there is no doubt, the internet has played the central role, acting like an impulsor in creating new companies and services. With all these, the available bookkeeping regarding using the internet by the companies is poor; just over the alst years, the official statistics organizations have started to take this work in the context of studying of so-called Informational Society.

TIC contribuie in mod direct la procesul de crestere economica, prin producerea de bunuri ce incorporeaza aceste tehnologii, si prin transferul TIC (utilizarea) la nivelul intregii economii. Evidenta macroeconomica privind accelerarea cresterii productivitatii reflecta, in parte, reformele organizationale intreprinse de firme, ca reactie la inovatiile realizate in domeniul TIC. IT&C directly contributes to the economic growth process, through producing goods that incorporates these technologies, and through the transfer of IT&C (using) to the whole economy. The Macroeconomics bookkeping regarding the acceleration of the productivity growth reflects, in part, the organizational reforms made by companies, as a reaction to the innovation made in IT&C field.

Tehnologia Informatiei si Comunicatiilor constituie o sursa importanta in crearea de noi produse si servicii, si de locuri de munca, mai intai in cadrul propriului sector si, prin expansiunea productiei si a schimburilor, si in alte activitati economice. Dezvoltarea in paralel a Societatii Informationale favorizeaza castiguri tot mai mari de bunastare sociala. The Inform,ation Technology and Communications is an important source in creating new products and services, and jobs, first inside its own sector and, through out the expansion of the production and changes, in other economic activities. The development in parallel of the Informational Society priviliges bigger earnings of social prosperity.

Intre tarile lumii exista insa diferente mari in ceea ce priveste infrastructurile, capitalul uman, efortul de investire, iar disparitatile ce se apreciaza intre diferiti indicatori utilizati pentru a aproxima nivelul relativ de dezvoltare regionala a TIC sunt enorme. Between the world's countries there are still big differences in what concerns infrastructures, human capital, investment effort, and the disparities that are being calculated between different indexes used to aproximate the relative level of IT&C regional development are huge. SE REPETA

Tarile emergente folosesc, in variate proportii, tehnici de productie de diferite niveluri, de la cele traditionale (artizanale si manufacturiere, masinile invechite) si cele moderne, pana la tehnicile cele mai avansate. Aceasta varietate a tehnicilor folosite si a tehnologiilor de productie, numita in literatura economica pluralism tehnologic, constituie o trasatura esentiala a economiei acestor tari. In aceste conditii, productivitatea muncii este mult mai redusa decat in tarile dezvoltate, deoarece tehnicile vechi provoaca pierderi economiei acestor tari pentru ca solicita consumuri energetice si de materii prime ridicate, precum si faptul ca ele nu permit decat producerea unor bunuri cu grad redus de prelucrare. The emergent countries, in different proportions, production techniques of different levels, from the traditional ones (handicrafts amd manufacturer, old machines) and the modern ones, till the most advanced techniques. This variety of the used techniques and of the production technologies, called in the economic literature technological pluralism, is an essential characteristic of these countries' economies. In these conditions, the productivity of labor is much more reduced than in the developed countries, because the old techniques induce losses to these countries' economies because they need energetic and high raws cosnumming, as well as the fact that they allow just the production of goods with low processing level.

Tehnologiile informatiei se integreaza mult mai rapid si profund in intregul sistem economic decat alte schimbari tehnologice. In prezent, firmele sunt din ce in ce mai intensive in informatie datorita reducerii costurilor de productie al noilor tehnologii, permitand adoptarea rapida a acestora. Legea lui Moore semnaleaza ca pretul informaticii se reduce la fiecare 18 luni, in timp ce potenta se dubleaza.  The information technologies integrate faster and deeper inside the whole economic system than other technologcal changes. Now, the companies are more and more intensive in information because of the new technologies production costs reducing, allowing them fast addopting. Moore's law points out the fact that the informatics price is reducing at every 18 months, in the meantime the potency doubles.

Sectorul de Tehnologia Informatiilor si Comunicatiilor se compune din trei subsectoare: tehnologia informatiei, industria de telecomunicatii si subsectorul de continuturi media. The Information and Communications Technology sector consists of three subsectors: information technology, telecommunication industry and media contents subsectors.

Sectorul de Tehnologia Informatiei si Comunicatiilor se diferentiaza in mod clar de celelalte, caracterizandu-se prin urmatoarele trasaturi: crestere inalta si sustinuta; viteza de inovare; influenta in intreg sistemul productiv; grad inalt de globalizare, complexitate si dinamism; cuprinde activitati cu caracter diversificat; ciclurile de viata ale produselor sunt scurte; pentru a fi competitiv, presupune rate inalte de investitii. Acest sector se afla intr-o permanenta adaptare la noi medii si gradul sau de competitivitate se poate deteriora in mod rapid, din cauza inovatiilor si a noi standarde tehnice. The Information and Communications Technology is being differenced in a clear way by the others, being described through the following particularities: high and sustained growth; innovation speed; the influence in the whole productive system; high quote of globalization, complexity and dynamism; contains varied activities; the life cycles of the products are short; for being competitive, it presumes high rates of investments. This sector is in a permanent adapting to new environments and its competivity quote can deteriorate in a fast way, because of the innovations and of the new technical standards.

Aceste caracteristici ale sectorului tehnologiei de varf determina prezenta externalitatilor de retea, in sensul ca TIC produc o serie de beneficii care se extind la nivelul intregii economii. De asemenea, valoarea unui anumit bun sau serviciu TIC creste atunci cand este folosit de mai multi utilizatori, deoarece, pe masura ce creste cererea, oferta va fi mai mare si costul de productie unitar scade, ceea ce conduce la scaderea pretului si la aparitia randamentelor crescatoare pentru producator. These characteristics of the top technology sector determines the presence of the network externalities, in the way in which IT&C produces a number of beneffits that expand to the whole economy. As well, the value of a certain IT&C good or service grows when is being used by more users, because, as the request grows, the offer will be bigger and the unitary cost of production gets lower, fact that leads to decreasing of the price and the apparition of the increasing yields for the producer.

La nivel macroeconomic, efectele cele mai importante ale TIC asupra productivitatii totale a factorilor pot fi asociate beneficiilor de productivitate generate de utilizarea TIC. O atentie deosebita este acordata beneficiilor economice rezultate din utilizarea acestor tehnologii in procesul productiv. In situatia in care exista premisele favorabile unei cresteri rapide a sectorului producator de TIC, ar avea loc un impact puternic asupra cresterii economice, ocuparii si exporturilor (investitiile in capital TIC au avut un impact pozitiv asupra cresterii economice in cea mai mare parte a tarilor OECD caracterizate de un puternic sector de producere a TIC. Daca cresterea productivitatii totale a factorilor se datoreaza doar unui progres tehnologic rapid in productia de calculatoare, semiconductori, si bunuri si servicii ce incorporeaza TIC, atunci nu exista efecte pozitive ale utilizarii TIC asupra productivitatii in tarile care nu sunt producatoare de tehnologii de varf. At macroeconomics level, the most important effect of the IT&C on the total productivity of the factors can be associated to the productivity benefits generated by the use of IT&C. A special attention is given to the economic benefits resulted from the use of these technologies in the productive process. In the situation in which exist the premises that are favourable to a fast growth of the IT&C producing sector, a powerful impact will take place on the economic growth, ocupancy and exports (investments in IT&C capital have had an positive impact on the economic growth in most of the OECD countries described by a IT&C powerful producing sector. If the total productivity growth of the factors is being owned just to a fast technological progress in the production of computers, semiconductors, and goods and services that incorporates IT&C, then there is no positive effects of using IT&C on the productivities in the countries that aren't high technologies producers.

La nivel microeconomic, s-a observat ca productivitatea muncii creste mai repede in firmele care combina si integreaza TIC in diferite etape ale procesului productiv. Existenta unui sector puternic de TIC este benefica pentru firmele care doresc sa utilizeze aceste tehnologii, iar localizarea langa firmele producatoare este avantajoasa pentru dezvoltarea de aplicatii TIC. Tehnologiile de varf sunt concentrate puternic in servicii si, ca urmare, impactul TIC asupra performantei economice este mai puternic in sectorul tertiar. At macroeconomics level, we can see that the labor productivity grows faster in the companies that combines and integrates IT&C in different stages of the productive process. The existence of an IT&C powerful sector is good for the companies that want to use these technologies, and the localisation near the producing companies is advantageous for IT&C applications development. High technologies are powerful centered in services and, as a result, the IT&C impact on the economic performance is much stronger in the teriary sector.

In prezent, tehnologia se cumpara si se vinde cu o viteza mai mare decat inainte, indiferent de originea sa. In acelasi timp insa, s-a scurtat ciclul de viata al acesteia, ceea ce inseamna ca intervalul de timp intre inventia unui produs si inovarea sa s-a redus. Acest lucru se datoreaza faptului ca dezvoltarea tehnologica rapida permite obtinerea de noi produse si accelerarea productiei de masa, ce favorizeaza economii de scara care permit reducerea costurilor unitare. Scaderea valorii produselor obliga firmele sa ofere altele mai atractive, determinand astfel "domolirea' concurentei acerbe din sfera bunurilor si serviciilor comune. Now, the technology is being bought and is being selled with a higher speed than before, without taking into consideration its origin. At the same time, its life cycle has been shorten, that means that the period of time between inventing a product and its innovation has been reduced. This fact is because the fast technological development allows to obtain new products and to accelerate the mass production, favorizing scale economies that allow to reduce the unitary costs. The decrease of the products values oblige the companies to offer others more attractive, inducing in this way "the softening" of the tough competition from the commune goods and services' field.

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