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In the west of the city is Phoenix Park, which contains the Zoological Gardens and the president's residence.

Dublin is Ireland's principal commercial city and its most important seaport. Industries include aviation engineering, electronics and software, printing, and pharmaceuticals, with many small factories located on the city's outskirts. In recent years, increasing emphasis has been put on developing Dublin as a center for distribution, finance, and other services.

City :Belfast

Located in
Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Also known as
Béal Feirste
297,300 (1996 estimate)

As a city of political importance, Belfast was heavily damaged by German air raids during World War II. The capital of Northern Ireland has also been the site of riots and terrorist attacks stemming from tension between Roman Catholics and Protestants, particularly in the latter half of the 20th century, when the violence has escalated.

As an industrial city-the largest in Northern Ireland-Belfast is an important manufacturing center. Local industries are engineering, automotive components, food processing, computer software, and brewing. The city's maritime location on the Lagan River, at the head of an inlet of the Irish Sea, has given rise to an important shipbuilding and repairing industry.

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