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Conditionalul prezent (The Present Conditional)
Se formeaza cu auxiliarele should (pentru persoana I singular si plural) si would (pentru celelalte persoane) plus infinitivul scurt prezent al verbului de conjugat. Se traduce in limba romana prin optativ prezent.
In zilele noastre auxiliarul would se foloseste la toate persoanele inlocuindu-l astfel pe should si exprima o optiune, o dorinta sau o invitatie la timpul prezent.
A. Conjugarea verbelor auxiliare la conditional prezent
to be = a fi
A || I should/would be = I'd be = eu as fi we should/would be = we'd be = noi am fi
you would be = you'd be = tu ai fi you would be = you'd be = voi ati fi
he/she/it would be = he'd/she'd/it'd be = el/ea ar fi they would be = they'd be = ei/ele ar fi
N || I should/would not be = I shouldn't/wouldn't be = eu nu as fi = eu n-as fi etc.
I || should/would I be ? = eu as fi ? = as fi eu ? etc.
I-N || should/would I not be ? = shouldn't/wouldn't I be ? = eu nu as (n-as) fi ? = nu as (n-as) fi eu ? etc.
to have = a avea
A || I should/would have = I'd have = eu as avea we should/would have = we'd have = noi am avea
you would have = you'd have = tu ai avea you would have = you'd have = voi ati avea
he/she/it would have = he'd/she'd/it'd have = el/ea ar avea they would have = they'd have = ei/ele ar avea
N || I should/would not have = I shouldn't/wouldn't have = eu nu as (n-as) avea etc.
I || should/would I have ? = eu as avea ? = as avea eu ? etc.
I-N || should/would I not have ? = shouldn't/wouldn't I have ? = eu nu as (n-as) avea? etc.
to do = a face
A || I should/would do = I'd do = eu as face we should/would do = we'd do = noi am face
you would do = you'd do = tu ai face you would do = you'd do = voi ati face
he/she/it would do = he'd/she'd/it'd do = el/ea ar face they would do = they'd do = ei/ele ar face
N || I should/would not do = I shouldn't/wouldn't do = eu nu as (n-as) face etc.
I || should/would I do ? = eu as face ? = as face eu ? etc.
I-N || should/would I not do ? = shouldn't/wouldn't I do ? = eu nu as (n-as) face ? = nu as (n-as) face eu ? etc.
B. Conjugarea verbelor modale la conditional prezent
can - could - 0 = to be able to
A || I could (go)=I should/would be able to (go)=eu as putea sa (merg)=eu as putea (merge)=eu as fi in stare sa
you could (go) = you would be able to (go) = tu ai putea sa (mergi) = tu ai putea (merge) = tu ai fi in stare sa
he/she/it could (go) = he/she/it would be able to (go) = el/ea ar putea sa (..) = el/ea ar putea (..) = el/ea ar fi in stare
sa (..)
we could (go) = we should/would be able to (go) = noi am putea sa (..) = noi am putea (..) = noi am fi in stare sa (..)
you could (go) = you would be able to (go) = voi ati putea sa (..) = voi ati putea (..) = voi ati fi in stare sa (mer
they could (go) = they would be able to (go) = ei/ele ar putea sa (..) = ei/ele ar putea (..) = ei/ele ar fi in stare sa
N || I could not (go) = I couldn't (go) = I should/would not be able to (go) = I shouldn't/wouldn't be able to (go) = eu nu as (n-as) putea sa (merg) = eu nu as fi in stare sa (merg) etc.
I || could I (go) ? = should/would I be able to (go) ? = as putea eu sa (..) ? = as putea eu (merge) ? = as fi eu in stare
sa (..) ?
I-N || could I not (go) ? = couldn't I (go) ? = should/would I not be able to (go) ? = shouldn't/wouldn't I be able to (go) ? eu nu as putea sa (..) ? = n-as putea sa (..) eu ? = eu nu as fi in stare sa (..) ? = n-as fi eu in stare sa (merg) ? etc.
In exemplul : I could go verbul could exprima si permisiunea, nu numai capabilitatea. In acest caz could = might. In limbajul colocvial can il inlocuieste des pe may.
may - might - 0 = to be permitted/allowed to
A || I might (go)=I should/would be permitted/allowed to (go) eu as avea voie sa (..)=eu as putea sa (..)=mie mi-ar fi permis you might (go)=you would be permitted/allowed to (go)=tu ai avea voie sa (..)=tu ai putea sa (..)= tie ti-ar fi permis sa (..)
he/she/it might (go) = he/she/it would be permitted/allowed to (go) = el/ea ar avea voie sa (..) = el/ea ar putea sa (..)=lui / ei i-ar fi permis/ingaduit sa (mearga)
we might (go) = we should/would be permitted/allowed to (go) = noi am avea voie sa (mergem) = noi am putea sa (..)
= noua ne-ar fi permis/ingaduit sa (mergem)
you might (go) = you would be permitted/allowed to (go) = voi ati avea voie sa (..) = voi ati putea sa (..) = voua v-ar fi permis/ingaduit sa (mergeti)
they might (go) = they would be permitted/allowed to (go) = ei/ele ar avea voie sa (..) = ei/ele ar putea sa (..) = lor le-
ar fi permis/ingaduit sa (mearga)
N || I might not (go) = I mightn't (go) = I should/would not be permitted/allowed to (go) = I shouldn't / wouldn't be permitted /allowed to (go) = eu nu as avea voie sa (..) = eu nu as putea sa (..) = mie nu mi-ar fi permis/ingaduit sa (..)
I || might I (go) ? = should/would I be permitted/allowed to (go) ? = as avea eu voie sa (merg) ? = as putea eu sa (merg) ? = as putea eu (merge) ? = mi-ar fi mie permis/ingaduit sa (merg) ? etc.
I-N || might I not (go) ? = mightn't I (go) ? = should/would I not be permitted/ allowed to (go) ? = shouldn't/ wouldn't I be permitted/allowed to (go) ? = nu as (n-as) avea eu voie sa (merg) ? = nu as (n-as) putea eu sa (merg) ? = nu mi-ar fi mie permis/ingaduit sa (merg) ? = mie nu mi-ar fi permis/ingaduit sa (merg) ? etc.
must - 0 - 0 = to have to
A || I should/would have to (go) = I'd have to (go) = eu ar trebui sa (merg)
you would have to (go) = you'd have to (go) = tu ar trebui sa (mergi)
he/she/it would have to (go) = he'd/she'd/it'd have to (go) = el/ea ar trebui sa (mearga)
we should/would have to (go) = we'd have to (go) = noi ar trebui sa (mergem)
you would have to (go) = you'd have to (go) = voi ar trebui sa (mergeti)
they would have to (go) = they'd have to (go) = ei/ele ar trebui sa (mearga)
N || I should/would not have to (go) = I shouldn't/wouldn't have to (go) = eu nu ar trebui sa (merg) etc.
I || should/would I have to (go) ? = eu ar trebui sa (merg) ? = ar trebui eu sa (merg) ? etc.
I-N || should/would I not have to (go) ? = eu nu ar trebui sa (merg) ? = n-ar trebui eu sa (merg) ? etc.
shall - should a trebui sa, a se cuveni/cadea sa . . .
A || I should (go) = eu ar trebui sa (merg)
you should (go) = tu ar trebui sa (mergi)
he/she/it should (go) = el/ea ar trebui sa (mearga)
we should go = noi ar trebui sa (mergem)
you should (go) = voi ar trebui sa (mergeti)
they should (go) = ei/ele ar trebui sa (mearga)
N || I should not (go) = I shouldn't (go) = eu nu ar trebui sa (merg) = eu n-ar trebui sa (merg), etc.
I || should I (go) ? = ar trebui eu sa (merg) ?, etc.
I-N || should I not (go) ? = shouldn't I (go) ? = eu nu ar trebui sa (merg) ? = n-ar trebui eu sa (merg) ? etc.
Verbul should se foloseste dupa how , why si when.
How should they know ? = De unde sa stie ei ?
Verbul should exprima:
a) - probabilitatea They should be in the mountains. = Ar trebui sa fie la munte. = Probabil sunt la munte.
If he should come tell him I've bought the tickets. = Daca cumva vine spune-i ca am cumparat biletele.= Daca se intampla sa vina spune-i ca am cumparat biletele.
b) - necesitatea sau sfatul: You should go to the dentist now. = Ar trebui sa te duci la dentist acum.
You shouldn't waste your time. = N-ar trebui sa-ti irosesti timpul.
will - would - 0 = a vrea
A || I would (go) = eu as vrea sa (merg) we would (go) = noi am vrea sa (mergem)
you would (go) = tu ai vrea sa (mergi) you would (go) = voi ati vrea sa (mergeti)
he/she/it would (go) = el/ea ar vrea sa (mearga) they would (go) = ei/ele ar vrea sa (mearga)
N || I would not (go) = I wouldn't (go) = eu nu as vrea sa (merg) = eu n-as vrea sa (merg) etc.
I || would I (go) ? = as vrea eu sa (merg) ? = eu as vrea sa (merg) ? etc.
I-N || would I not (go) ? = wouldn't I (go) ? = eu nu as vrea sa (merg) ? = n-as vrea eu sa (merg) ? etc.
Verbul would exprima:
a) - dorinta in prezent: He would go on the trip. = El ar vrea sa mearga in excursie.
b) - comenzi politicoase: Would you open that door, please ? = Ati vrea sa deschideti usa aceea, va rog ?
- Would + mind:
Would you mind opening that door, please ? = V-ar deranja/supara daca ati deschide usa aceea, va rog ?
Would you mind my smoking ? = Va deranjeaza daca fumez ?
I should/would go home = as merge acasa = conditional prezent; aici should/ would este auxiliar
I should/would go home = ar trebui sa merg acasa; aici should/would este auxiliar modal, modul conditional
I should/would go home = trebuia sa merg acasa; aici should/would este modal, modul indicativ
if I should/would go home = daca ar trebui sa merg acasa; aici should/would este auxiliar modal, modul subjonctiv prezent
if I should/would go home = daca trebuia sa merg acasa; should/would este modal, modul indicativ
if I should/would go home = daca s-ar intampla sa merg; should/would este auxiliar modal, conditional prezent
I would go home = as vrea sa merg acasa; would aici este auxiliar modal, modul conditional
I would go home = obisnuiam sa merg acasa = mergeam acasa; would este aici modal, modul indicativ
I would go home = voiam sa merg acasa; la fel would este modal, modul indicativ, Past Tense
if I would go home = daca as vrea sa merg acasa; would este auxiliar modal
if I would go home = daca voiam sa merg acasa; would este modal, modul indicativ, Past Tense
if I would go home daca obisnuiam sa merg acasa = daca mergeam acasa = la fel would este modal, modul indicativ, Past Tense
I might go home = as avea voie sa merg acasa; aici might este auxiliar modal, modul conditional
I might go home = aveam voie sa merg acasa; might este modal, Past Tense
ought to - 0 - 0
A || I ought to (go) = eu ar trebui sa (merg/plec) = eu s-ar cuveni/cadea sa (merg/plec)
you ought to (go) = tu ar trebui sa (mergi/pleci) = tu s-ar cuveni/cadea sa (mergi/ pleci)
he/she/it ought to (go) = el/ea ar trebui sa (mearga/plece) = el/ea s-ar cuveni/ cadea sa (mearga/plece)
we ought to (go) = noi ar trebui sa (mergem/plecam) = noi s-ar cuveni/cadea sa (mergem/plecam)
you ought to (go) = voi ar trebui sa (mergeti/plecati) = voi s-ar cuveni/cadea sa (mergeti/plecati)
they ought to (go) = ei/ele ar trebui sa (mearga/plece) = ei/ele s-ar cuveni/cadea sa (mearga/plece)
N || I ought not to (go) = I oughtn't to (go) = eu nu ar trebui sa (merg/plec) = eu nu s-ar cuveni/cadea sa (merg)
I || ought I to (go) ? = eu ar trebui sa (merg/plec) ? = eu s-ar cuveni/cadea sa (merg/plec) ? = s-ar cuveni eu sa
I-N || ought I not to (go) ? = oughtn't I to (go) ? = eu nu ar trebui sa (merg/plec) ? = eu nu s-ar cuveni sa (merg ) ?
C. Conjugarea verbelor principale - diateza activa, aspectul comun
to see = a vedea
La conditional si la viitorul in trecut, la persoana I-a singular si plural se foloseste atat auxiliarul should [~ud] cat si would [wud], iar la persoanele a II-a si a III-a se foloseste doar would.
A || I should /would see = I'd see = eu as vedea
he/she/it would see = he'd/she'd/it'd see = el/ea ar vedea
you would see = you'd see = tu ai vedea
we should/would see = we'd see = noi am vedea
you would see = you'd see = voi ati vedea
they would see = they'd see = ei/ele ar vedea
N || I should/would not see = I shouldn't/wouldn't see = eu nu as vedea etc.
I || should/would I see ? = eu as vedea ? = as vedea eu ? etc.
I - N || should/would I not see ? = shouldn't/wouldn't I see ? = eu nu as (n-as) vedea ? etc.
D. Conjugarea verbelor principale - diateza activa, aspectul continuu
to play = a (se) juca
A || I should/would be playing = eu as juca we should/would be playing = noi am juca
you would be playing = tu ai juca you would be playing = voi ati juca
he/she/it would be playing = el/ea ar juca they would be playing = ei/ele ar juca
N || I should/would not be playing = I shouldn't/wouldn't be playing = eu nu as (n-as) juca etc.
I || should/would I be playing ? = as juca eu ? = eu as juca ? etc.
I - N || should/would I not be playing ? = shouldn't/wouldn't I be playing ? = eu nu as (n-as) juca ? etc.
to dare = a indrazni
A || I should/would dare = I'd dare = eu as indrazni = eu m-as incumeta
you would dare = you'd dare = tu ai indrazni = tu te-ai incumeta
he/she would dare = he'd/she'd dare = el/ea ar indrazni = el/ea s-ar incumeta
we should/would dare = we'd dare = noi am indrazni = noi ne-am incumeta
you would dare = you'd dare = voi ati indrazni = voi v-ati incumeta
they would dare = they'd dare = ei/ele ar indrazni = ei/ele s-ar incumeta
N || I should/would not dare = I shouldn't/wouldn't dare = eu nu as (n-as) indrazni = eu nu m-as incumeta
I || should/would I dare ? = as indrazni eu ? = eu as indrazni ? = eu m-as incumeta ? etc.
I - N || should/would I not dare ? = shouldn't/wouldn't I dare ? = eu nu as (n-as) indrazni ? = eu nu m-as
to need = a avea nevoie
A || I should/would need = I'd need = eu as avea nevoie = mie mi-ar trebui
you would need = you'd need = tu ai avea nevoie = tie ti-ar trebui
he/she/it would need = he'd/she'd/it'd need = el/ea ar avea nevoie = lui/ei i-ar trebui
we should/would need = we'd need = noi am avea nevoie = noua ne-ar trebui
you would need = you'd need = voi ati avea nevoie = voua v-ar trebui
they would need = they'd need = ei/ele ar avea nevoie = lor le-ar trebui
N || I should/would not need = I shouldn't/wouldn't need = eu nu as avea nevoie = mie nu mi-ar trebui = mie
nu mi-ar fi necesar etc.
I || should/would I need ? = eu as avea nevoie ? = as avea eu nevoie ? = mie mi-ar trebui ? = mi-ar trebui mie
? = mie mi-ar fi necesar ? etc.
I - N || should/would I not need ? = shouldn't/wouldn't I need ? = eu nu as (n-as) avea nevoie ? = nu as (n-as)
avea eu nevoie ? = mie nu mi-ar trebui ? etc.
E. Conjugarea verbelor principale - diateza pasiva
to be seen = a fi vazut; (to be invited = a fi invitat etc.)
A || I should/would be seen = I'd be seen = eu as fi vazut(a)
you would be seen = you'd be seen = tu ai fi vazut(a)
he/she/it would be seen = he'd/she'd/it'd be seen = el/ea ar fi vazut(a)
we should/would be seen = we'd be seen = noi am fi vazuti/vazute
you would be seen = you'd be seen = voi ati fi vazuti/vazute
they would be seen = they'd be seen = ei/ele ar fi vazuti/vazute
N || I should/would not be seen = I shouldn't/wouldn't be seen = eu nu as (n-as) fi vazut(a) etc.
I || should/would I be seen ? = eu as fi vazut(a) ? = as fi eu vazut(a) ? etc.
I - N || should/would I not be seen ? = shouldn't/wouldn't I be seen ? = eu nu as (n-as) fi vazut(a) ? etc.
F. Conjugarea verbelor reflexive - aspectul comun
to enjoy oneSELF = a se distra
A || I should/would enjoy myself = I'd enjoy myself = eu m-as distra
you would enjoy yourself = you'd enjoy yourself = tu te-ai distra
he would enjoy himself = he'd enjoy himself = el s-ar distra
she would enjoy herself = she'd enjoy herself = ea s-ar distra
it would enjoy itself = it'd enjoy itself = el/ea s-ar distra
we should/would enjoy ourselves = we'd enjoy ourselves = noi ne-am distra
you would enjoy yourselves = you'd enjoy yourselves = voi v-ati distra
they would enjoy themselves = they'd enjoy themselves = ei/ele s-ar distra
N || I should/would not enjoy myself = I shouldn't/wouldn't enjoy myself = eu nu m-as distra etc.
I || should/would I enjoy myself ? = eu m-as distra ? = m-as distra eu ? etc.
I - N || should/would I not enjoy myself ? = shouldn't/wouldn't I enjoy myself ? = eu nu m-as distra ? etc.
G. Conjugarea verbelor reflexive - aspectul continuu
to enjoy oneself a se distra
A || I should/would be enjoying myself = I'd be enjoying myself = eu m-as distra
you would be enjoying yourself = you'd be enjoying yourself = tu te-ai distra
he would be enjoying himself = he'd be enjoying himself = el s-ar distra
she would be enjoying herself = she'd be enjoying herself = ea s-ar distra
we should/would be enjoying ourselves = we'd be enjoying ourselves = noi ne-am distra
you would be enjoying yourselves = you'd be enjoying yourselves = voi v-ati distra
they would be enjoying themselves = they'd be enjoying themselves =ei/ele s-ar distra
N || I should/would not be enjoying myself = I shouldn't/wouldn't be enjoying myself = eu nu m-as distra
I || should/would I be enjoying myself ? = eu m-as distra ? = m-as distra eu ? etc.
I - N || should/would I not be enjoying myself ? = shouldn't/wouldn't I be enjoying myself ? = eu nu m-as dis
tra ?
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