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Diateza pasiva (Passive Voice)
Se formeaza cu timpul corespunzator al verbului auxiliar to be si participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat (forma a III - a din tabel pentru verbele neregulate sau -ed pentru verbele regulate).
Poate fi utilizata la toate timpurile modului indicativ - aspectul simplu - in timp ce aspectul continuu se utilizeaza doar la indicativ prezent si Past Tense..
Aspectul continuu nu se utilizeaza la celelalte timpuri, desi sunt corecte - deoarece contin prea multe auxiliare.
Diateza Pasiva - reprezinta mijlocul gramatical prin care:
1) complementului direct al verbului i se confera o importanta mai mare decat subiectului din diateza activa, complement direct care devine subiect in diateza pasiva.
A. Parents always give good advice.
P. Good advice is always given by parents.
2) Complementul indirect - poate deveni subiect in transformarea pasiva - si chiar se recomanda transformarea acestuia in subiect in cazul in care complementul indirect este exprimat printr-un substantiv care substituie o persoana (o fiinta) sau un pronume corespunzator.
A. They promised her a reward.
P. She was promised a reward.
P. Transformarea pasiva: A reward was promised to her, desi corecta, este mai putin recomandata, cu exceptia cazului in care accentul se pune pe complementul direct din diateza activa - fiind necesara transformarea lui in subiect, complementul indirect fiind in acest caz precedat de prepozitia to.
3) Complementul indirect prepozitional (din diateza activa) poate fi transformat in subiect (la diateza pasiva) cu specificarea ca prepozitia care il introduce se deplaseaza din grupul complementului indirect (activa) in imediata vecinatate a verbului la diateza pasiva, pentru a realiza trecerea de caz de la Acuzativ la Nominativ, necesara transformarii sale in subiect.
A. Everybody laughed at him.
P. He was laughed at. (by everybody)
A. They are speaking about this event.
P. This event is being spoken about.
4) Complementul de loc din diateza activa poate fi la randul sau utilizat in transformarea pasiva cu functia sintactica de subiect.
A. Somebody has slept in my bed.
P. My bed has been slept in.
A. The burglar broke into this house.
P. This house was broken into. (by the burglar)
Exemple de verbe care pastreaza prepozitia imediat dupa verb: to account for, to accuse of, to address to, to agree with, to appeal to to approve of, to ask for, to blame for, to blow up, to break into, to bring about, to bring up, to call for, to charge with, to consent to, to deal with, to dream of, to insist on, to let in, to live on, to listen to, to look at/after/for, to put aside, to refer to, to send for, to speak about/of/to, to think about/of, to wait for .
Complementul de agent (din diateza pasiva) se poate omite cand este exprimat printr-un pronume personal (they) sau nehotarat (one, somebody . ) ori prin substantivul people, folosite generic, adica fara sa aduca lamuriri suplimentare asupra autorului actiunii din diateza activa.
A. Somebody left the door open.
P. The door was left open.
A. People will show the visitors the new buildings.
P. The visitors will be shown the new buildings.
In mod similar, complementul agent (din diateza pasiva) se omite cand este singurul autor posibil al actiunii realizate, de exemplu:
A. The teacher has given me a bad mark.
P. A bad mark has been given to me.
P. I have been given a bad mark.
A. Bakers make bread at night.
P. Bread is made at night.
Exemple de propozitii cu verbul la alte moduri decat indicativul, respectiv:
A. I would give you a present. (conditional prezent)
P. You would be given a present.
A. They could have requested the stranger to leave the meeting. ( conditional trecut)
P. The stranger could have been requested to leave the meeting.
A. She can solve the problem. (modal)
P. The problem can be solved by her.
A. You must work for success. (modal)
P. Success must be worked for.
Exista fraze in care se pot intalni doua sau chiar trei constructii pasive, ele fiind rezultatul transformarii independente, pe rand, a fiecarei forme verbale la diateza activa in constructiile corespunzatoare diatezei pasive.
A. We haven't moved anything since they sent you away to cure you.
P. Nothing has been moved since you were sent away to be cured.
A. They can't put you in prison if they haven't tried you.
P. You can't be put in prison if you haven't been tried.
Diateza activa Diateza pasiva
1. Subiect (nominativ) trece la complement de agent (acuzativ)
(logic si gramatical) (subiect logic)
2. Verbul de conjugat trece la be + verb de conjugat
(orice timp de la indicativ, (orice timp) (III / -ed)
conditional sau verb modal)
3. Complementul direct (Acuzativ) trece la subiect (Nominativ)
(complementul de loc sau indirect, (subiect gramatical)
simplu sau prepozitional)
Vorbirea directa este cea in care vorbitorul se exprima in mod direct, in timp ce vorbirea indirecta este cea in care se explica sau relateaza ceea ce a spus vorbitorul.
Relaterea se introduce cu ajutorul unor verbe care se numesc verbe dicendi, cum ar fi: to say, to remark, to tell, to utter, to explain, to ask, to inquire, to answer, to inform sau verbe ca: to assure, to complain, to remember, to admit, to wonder, to suggest, to warn, to advise, to remind, to decide .
Daca relaterea se face utilizand verbe dicendi la prezent sau prezent perfect, se schimba doar persoana, verbul mentinandu-se la timpul din vorbirea directa:
'I shall go to the market tomorrow', Jane says.
Jane says that she will go to the market tomorrow.
'She was my best friend', John remaks.
John remarks that she was his best friend.
Cand verbul dicendi este la trecut, are loc o transformare a timpurilor verbului, dupa cum urmeaza:
Vorbire directa Vorbire indirecta
Prezentul → Past Tense
Prezent Perfect/Past Tense/Past Perfect → Past Perfect
Viitorul → Viitor in trecut
Transformari de cuvinte:
I → he/she; we → they; my → his/her; our → their;
this → that; these → those; here → there; now → then; today → that day; tonight → that night; tomorrow → the next day / the following day; yesterday → the day before / the previous day; ago → before;
next → the next; the day after tomorrow → in two days' time; the day before yesterday → two days before.
Transformarea propozitiilor afirmative si negative
Dupa verbul dicendi la trecut:
'We live in a new flat now', the girl explained. (prezent)
The girl explained that they lived in a new flat then. (past tense)
'They have not received our letter yet', mother complained. (prezent perfect)
Mother complained that they hadn't received our letter yet. (past perfect)
'We saw this film yesterday', the children told me. (past tense)
The children told me that they had seen that film the day before. (past perfect)
'We shall not be late tomorrow', my friends promised me. (viitor)
My friends promised me that they would not be late the next day. (viitor in trecut)
Exceptii: prezentul ramane nemodificat in vorbirea indirecta, dupa un verb la Past Tense in regenta, daca exprima:
un fapt universal valabil, un adevar general: 'Wood floats over water', the teacher said. The teacher said that wood floats over water.
o actiune repetata, un obicei sau o caracteristica a subiectului: 'I go to my house in the country every summer', my friend told me. My friend told me that he goes to his house in the country every summer.
cand continutul enutului este valabil si in momentul vorbirii: George confessed: 'I can't buy a new computer now; I haven't saved enough money.' George confessed that he can't buy a new computer as he hasn't saved enough money.
Viitorul se poate pastra cand actiunea este viitoare si in momentul vorbirii indirecte:
'I' ll take up guitar lessons after graduation.'Alison promised. Alison promised that she will take up guitar lessons after graduation.
Past Tense (trecutul) se pastreaza nemodificat in trecerea la vorbirea indirecta, cand:
exprima actiuni repetate in trecut: Harry said:' I practised the piano a lot more when I was a student'. Harry said that he practised the piano a lot more when he was a student.
exprimarea unui fapt: The children asked:'Were there any dogs on the farm?' The children asked if there were any dogs on the farm.
cand intre predicatele din principala si completiva directa nu exista un raport de anterioritate: The teacher mentioned: 'Eminescu and Creanga were good friends'. The teacher mentioned that Eminescu and Creanga were good friends.
in propozitiile conditionale de tipul II: 'I would go to the supermarket if it were open', Jane told me. Jane told me that she would go to the supermarket if it were open.
dupa expresiile: wish, would rather, it's time: ' I wish my sister were here', Peter said. Pater said that he wished his sister were there.
Verbele modale se schimba astfel: can → could; may → might; will → would.
'The mechanic can fix our car but he won't.' father complained. Father complained that the mechanic could fix our car but he wouldn't.
Exceptie: verbul must se mentine de obicei in vorbirea indirecta: 'She must be out.', the janitor told us. The janitor told us that she must be out.
Trecerea lui must la inlocuitorul corespunzator have to la past tense este necesara doar daca exprima o obligatie: The child admitted: 'I must go to school now'. The child admitted that he had to go to school immediately.
Transformarea propozitiilor interogative
Intrebarile generale de tip Yes / No vor fi intoduse prin "if / whether":
"Have you written her about my proposal?" the manager wanted to know. The manager wanted to know if / whether I had written her about his proposal.
"Isn' t your test checked?" the teacher asked me. The teacher asked me whether my test was checked.
Intrebarile speciale introduse prin pronume sau adverbe interogative precum: who, whom, whose, what, where, when, how, how long, how much, how many pastreaza cuvantul interogativ cu care incep, restul modificarilor corespunzand celor prezentate in transformarea propozitiilor afirmative si negative. Trebuie remarcat faptul ca ordinea cuvintelor in transformarea la vorbire indirecta va corespunde unei propozitii afirmative sau negative, pronumele sau adverbul interogativ devenind pronume sau adverb relativ, ceea ce implica renuntarea la topica specifica dintr-o interogatie in limba engleza:
"Where did she go last week?" the policeman wanted to know. The policeman wanted to know where she went a week ago.
"When have the children left the school?" mother asked the headmaster. Mother asked the headmaster when the children had left the school.
Transformarea propozitiilor imperative
Comenzile afirmative se vor transforma in vorbirea indirecta in infinitiv lung (to infinitiv):
"Bring me quickly a glass of water!" she asked me. She asked me to bring her quickly a glass of water.
Comenzile negative se vor transforma in vorbirea indirecta in not + infinitiv lung (not to infinitiv):
"Don't say that about him!" she advised me. She advised me not to say that about him.
Imperativul cu "let" este de obicei introdus in vorbirea indirecta de verbul to suggest despre care se stie ca, la trecut fiind, necesita utilizarea modului subjonctiv, forma analitica, respectiv should:
"Let's go for a walk!" he said. He suggested that we should go for a walk.
Transformarea propozitiilor exclamative
Exclamatiile care incep cu "What a . " sau "How . se transforma utilizand o propozitie introdusa de that:
"What a nice hat you have!" she told me. She told me that my hat was nice / I had a nice hat.
Exclamatiile de surpriza, bucurie, dezacord, repros etc. se parafrazeaza:
"Good morning!" she said. She greeted me / She wished me a good morning.
The teacher said: "Liar!" The teacher called him a liar.
He said "Damn this rain!" He cursed that / the rain.
"Good work!" my boss told me. My boss congratulated me for my work.
Subordonata conditionala (IF Clause)
Exista trei tipuri principale de conditionale care se refera la viitor, prezent si respectiv, trecut, utilizarea timpurilor in aceste tipuri corespunzand gradului de realizare al actiunii (conditie reala, probabila pentru tipul I care se refera la viitor, conditie improbabila, ipotetica, deci ireala pentru tipul II care se refera la prezent si conditie imposibila sau regret pentru neindeplinirea conditiei pentru tipul III care se refera la trecut.)
Conditionala de tip I utilizeaza in regenta timpuri ale indicativului, prezent sau viitor, sau modul imperativ, ceea ce plaseaza actiunea in plan real.
I take this medicine if I have a headache. (Iau acest medicament daca ma doare capul). She will pass the exam if she works hard. (Ea va lua examenul daca va munci din greu).
Lend him the money if you consider him a reliable person. (Imprumuta-i banii daca il consideri o persoana de incredere).
Conditionala de tip II utilizeaza in regenta conditionalul prezent, ceea ce face ca actiunea sa devina ireala.
They wouldn't be angry with him if they knew the truth.
If I were you, I would tell him the truth.
If she was right, they could be in prison now.
Conditionala de tip III utilizeaza in regenta conditionalul trecut, ceea ce face ca actiunea sa devina imposibila sau, se exprima regretul pentru neindeplinirea acesteia.
If the manager had known about this, he wouldn't have hired you. (Daca directorul ar fi stiut asta, nu te-ar mai fi angajat.)
In tipul II si III de conditionala, dupa if, se foloseste modul subjonctiv, forma sintetica, respectiv Past Tense - tipul II - pentru a reda ideea de prezent (in romana, conditional optativ sau conjunctiv prezent) si Past Perfect - tipul III - pentru a reda ideea de trecut (in romana, conditional optativ sau conjunctiv trecut). Traducerea prin conjuctiv prezent sau trecut in limba romana corespunde unei conditionale de tip popular (introdusa prin sa), care se poate realiza la nivelul limbii engleze printr-o constructie echivalenta din punct de vedere al oralitatii, dupa cum urmeaza:
Conditionala de tipul III forma literara
If they had known the way to the village, they would have reached their destination. (Daca ar fi cunoscut drumul catre sat, ei ar fi ajuns la destinatie.)
Conditionala de tipul III forma populara
Had they known the way to the village, they would have reached their destination. (Sa fi cunoscut drumul catre sat, ar fi ajuns la destinatie.)
Pentru a realiza o astfel de transformare de la o conditionala de tip literar la una de tip popular, este necesar ca:
1. subordonata conditionala sa fie plasata inaintea regentei;
2. sa se omita if ;
3. sa se realizeze forma interogativa a verbului la Past Perfect din subordonata conditionala pentru ca, prin pozitia accentuata a subiectului si o intonatie adecvata, sa se substituie functia lui if ;
4. sa se desparta subordonata conditionala prin virgula de regenta ei.
De obicei, aceasta transformare se aplica cu usurinta unei conditionale de tipul III (Past Perfect este un timp compus care permite realizarea unei forme interogative prin inversiune) si unei conditionale de tipul II care in care apare conjugat verbul to be sau to have la Past Tense si care realizeaza la randul lor forma interogativa prin inversiune:
If they were at the station in time, they could catch the train.
Were they at the station in time, they could catch the train.
If I had more information about this, I could write an article on this topic.
Had I more information about this, I could write an article on this topic.
Cu alte verbe, realizarea formei de interogativ presupune utilizarea auxiliarului to do conjugat la Past Tense urmat de subiect si de catre forma de infinitiv scurt a verbului de conjugat, ceea ce nu este prea la indemana tuturor vorbitorilor, denotand in acelasi timp un grad ridicat de cunoastere a limbii si permitand realizarea unei formulari elevate, usor emfatice prin intermediul constructiei cu to do:
The kids would be disappointed if it rained in the afternoon, too.
If it rained in the afternoon, too, the kids would be disappointed. (antepunerea conditionalei)
Did it rain in the afternoon, too, the kids would be disappointed. (realizarea formei de interogativ a verbului la Past Tense din subordonata conditionala).
Tipul de conditionala |
Principala |
Conditionala (if clause) |
Tipul I (se refera la viitor) |
Prezent, Viitor sau Imperativ She buys the dress She will buy the dress Buy that dress Let's buy that dress |
Prezent if she has enough money. if you have enough money. if we have enough money. |
Tipul II (se refera la prezent) |
Conditional prezent She would buy the dress |
Past Tense if she had enough money.. |
Tipul III (se refera la trecut) |
Conditional trecut She would have bought the dress |
Past Perfect if she had had enough money. |
In cazul tipului I, in afara prezentului se mai poate utiliza in subordonata conditionala si Prezentul Perfect, pentru a marca un raport de anterioritate intre actiunea din subordonata conditionala fata de actiunea exprimata de verbul din propozitia principala regenta:
If you have taken your salary, you may go on a holiday.
She will come if she has already booked a room here.
Este posibil ca, intr-o subordonata conditionala de tipul I, II sau III, sa se foloseasca si subjonctivul analitic, in cazul in care este nevoie de sublinierea unei nuante a exprimarii (necesitate, obligatie, posibilitate), nuanta care se va reda prin sensul verbelor modale care intra in componenta subjonctivului analitic prezent si trecut.
In subordonata conditionala de tipul I poate sa apara un will cu valoare modala, exprimand vointa, in timp ce forma will din regenta este auxiliar de viitor:
If you will explain this to me, I will finish my homework by myself. (Daca vrei sa-mi explici asta, imi voi termina singur tema.)
If she could come here , it would be so nice! (Daca ea ar putea veni aici, ar fi asa de bine!)
If they would join our club, I would be so happy! (Daca ei ar vrea sa se alature clubului nostru, as fi asa de fericit!)
If she should meet him here, she would understand the truth. (Daca se intampla ca ea sa-l intalneasca aici, ar intelege adevarul.)
Should he bring me the letter, I will give it to you. (Daca e ca el sa-mi aduca scisoarea, ti-o voi da.)
Subordonata conditionala poate fi introdusa si de alte conjunctii sau locutiuni conjunctionale decat if, cum ar fi: unless = if not, but for, in case, on condition that, so long as, provided / providing that, suppose / supposing that.
I would go for a walk if it weren' t for this rain. But for this rain, I would go for a walk. (But for substituie verbul to be la Past Tense sau Past Perfect, forma negativa, din conditionalele de tip II sau III).
She will not understand the film if she does not read the book. She will not understand the film unless she reads the book.
Conditionale combinate
Se pot realiza si tipuri de conditionale combinate, care presupun folosirea intr-o fraza a unor timpuri intalnite in doua tipuri distincte de conditionale, respectiv:
1. Tipul I (prezent, viitor sau imperativ) in principala regenta cu tipul II (Past Tense sau subjonctiv analitic prezent / conditional prezent) in subordonata conditionala:
If he bought that car, I am / I' ll be happy.
If you should meet her, tell her about the accident. (Daca e s-o intalnesti, spune-i despre accident.)
2. O alta combinatie poate fi tipul III (conditional trecut sau subjonctiv analitic trecut) in principala regenta cu tipul II (Past Tense) in subordonata conditionala:
She would have worked as a guide if she spoke English better. (Ar fi lucrat ca ghid daca ar vorbi engleza mai bine.)
3. Alta posibila combinatie este tipul II (conditional prezent sau subjonctiv analitic prezent) in principala regenta cu tipul III (Past Perfect) in subordonata conditionala:
If they hadn't missed the train, they would be here now. (Daca n-ar fi pierdut trenul, ar fi aici acum.)
Desi mai rare, si aceste tipuri de conditionale combinate sunt posibile si presupun combinarea a doua axe temporale, de obicei trecut cu prezent (2 sau 3), dar si prezent cu viitor (1).
Subordonata completiva directa
Principala regenta |
Completiva directa |
Prezent, prezent perfect sau viitor The teacher explains has explained The teacher will explain |
Orice timp cerut de logica enuntului, cu exceptia viitorului dupa viitor in principala that all the students have passed the exam. are free to take a break. will give the test tomorrow.. delivered their reports. had already graduated. that all the students have passed the exam. are free to take a break. give the test tomorrow. delivered their reports. had already graduated. |
Past Tense The young man mentioned |
Past Perfect (pentru a exprima un raport de anterioritate) that he had already studied the report. Past Tense (pentru a exprima un raport de simultaneitate) that he was on duty/ they admired the view. Future - in - the - Past (pentru a exprima un raport de posterioritate) that she would come there soon. |
Exceptii: 1. Dupa verbe precum: to ask, to demand, to order, to insist, to recommend, to require, to urge utilizate in principala se foloseste subjonctivul analitic in engleza britanica si subjonctivul sintetic in engleza americana:
She insists that you should give all your exams. (subjonctiv analitic prezent)
She insists that you give all your exams. (subjonctiv sintetic prezent, exprimat prin infinitiv scurt)
2. Adevarurile generale se pastreaza la prezent, chiar daca timpul verbului din regenta este Past Tense:
The teacher explained us that water boils at 100oC degrees and it freezes below 0oC.
Subordonata temporala
Principala regenta |
Subordonata circumstantiala de timp |
Prezent, viitor sau imperativ The manager tells us more about the project will tell Tell us They come home will come Go home |
Prezent (pentru a exprima un raport de simultaneitate) when he has the results of the test. he finds a new building site. when you learn more about it. Prezent perfect (pentru a exprima un raport de anterioritate) as soon as/only after they have bought everything on the list. as soon as you have bought everything on the list. |
Past Tense He returned to the office She went on a vacation |
Past Tense (pentru a exprima un raport de simultaneitate) when the manager called him. the lunch break was over. Past Perfect (pentru a exprima un raport de anterioritate) as soon as / after she (had)*received the consent of her boss. only after she had finished her work at the office. |
Intr-o subordonata temporala introdusa de as soon as sau after, dupa un verb la Past Tense in regenta, se poate pastra si Past Tense, raportul de anterioritate fata de actiunea din regenta se mentine la nivelul conjunctiei sau locutiunii conjunctivale subordonatoare precum after sau as soon as. Acest lucru se petrece frecvent in exprimarea orala, unde regulile de concordanta sunt mai putin stricte. La fel se intampla si in cazul in care ne situam pe axa prezentului, unde fata de un verb la Prezent in regenta, se poate pastra si Prezentul, raportul de anterioritate fata de actiunea din regenta mentinandu-se la nivelul conjunctiei sau locutiunii conjunctivale subordonatoare precum after sau as soon as, indeosebi in limba vorbita. He comes as soon as he finds the key to the door.
When poate introduce si un raport de anterioritate, cand este utilizat cu sensul de after / as soon as: He gets paid when he has finished his job here. (pe axa prezentului apare Present Perfect)
He got paid when he had finished his work there. (pe axa trecutului apare Past Perfect)
Verbele modale
Verbele modale sunt acele verbe auxiliare care introduc concepte precum capacitate, posibilitate, probabilitate, necesitate, obligatie de a realiza sau nu o anumita actiune.
Se cunosc mai multe verbe modale, si anume: can, could, may, might, must, need, ought to, used to, shall, should, will, would, fiecare exprimand o nuanta modala din cele enumerate mai sus.
Verbele modale au cateva trasaturi comune:
sunt verbe defective, adica nu au forme proprii la toate timpurile, nu au forma de infinitiv lung sau forma in -ing; de aceea unele din ele au inlocuitori care se pot utiliza la orice timp cerut de logica enuntului;
sunt verbe uniflexionare, adica prezinta aceeasi forma la toate persoanele, neadaugand terminatia -s la persoana a III-a singular la prezent, ca verbele notionale;
negativul se realizeaza prin adaugarea negatiei not dupa verbul modal si inaintea verbului notional pe care modalul il insoteste ( numai verbul can prezinta la negativ forma cannot, scrisa legat): She cannot be so rude.
interogativul verbelor modale se realizeaza prin inversiune, adica plasarea verbului modal inaintea subiectului: Can you type? Must they do that?
verbele modale sunt urmate de verbe notionale la infinitiv scurt (cu exceptia modalelor ought to si used to): We can help you with this problem. She may offer you a new job. Exc. She ought to be more careful. They used to play tennis together.
Formele should, would, could si might care provin de la shall, will, can si may nu sunt doar formele de trecut ale modalelor corespunzatoare, deoarece se pot referi si la prezent sau viitor, caz in care se traduc prin conditional optativ prezent in romana:
The nurse could come tomorrow / now.
They might be busy now, so you should see them later.
Inlocuitori pentru verbele modale:
Can = to be able to, to be capable to
May = to be permitted to, to be allowed to
Must = to have to
Inlocuitorii modalelor se utilizeaza cand nu exista forme proprii ale modalelor pentru timpul necesar in propozitia respectiva, de exemplu un prezent perfect, past perfect, chiar viitor. He has always been able to cope with such things. The pupils will be able to speak English fluently if they attend this course.
Inlocuitorii sunt mai puternici ca sens decat modalele corespunzatoare deoarece sunt mai putin utilizati decat acestea. De exemplu: I can swim = Stiu sa inot. (capacitate fizica obisnuita)
I am able to swim in this river. = Sunt capabil sa inot in acest rau. (aptitudine deosebita)
a) Ca verb modal, shall exprima:
1. determinare, hotarare: We shall do whatever we think fit.
2. promisiune: If you help me with the garden, you shall have a two-day break.
3. refuz: As you haven't eaten your meal, you shall not have cake!
4. amenintare: She shall pay for the damaged car!
5. profetii: That spirit shall not perish!
6. in documente legale, stil oficial: Payment shall be made in due time.
b) Ca verb modal will exprima:
1. vointa, disponibilitate, hotarare: I will pay you for the effort as much as you ask.
2. promisiune: I won't do such a thing again!
3. posibilitate, presupunere: The man dessed in deep black will be her father.
4. estimare a capacitatii: Our faculty will hold more than two thousand students this year.
5. ceva inevitabil sau care se repeta foarte des: Girls will be girls. Sometimes she will walk in the park near their tree without hearing anything around her.
a) Can poate fi utilizat pentru a exprima:
1. capacitate fizica sau intelectuala prezenta sau viitoare: My friend can speak four foreign languages and can type like a professional typist.
2. continuitate, cu verbe de perceptie: I can hear you now and I can also see you.
3. permisiune, in engleza informala, in locul verbului modal may: Can I sit down here?
4. pentru a exprima posibilitatea, atunci cand imprejurarile permit: If my aunt comes to Brasov, we can go to Bran Castle.
5. imposibilitate sau lipsa de credinta: Can she make such a mistake? They cannot be at home now; it's still early.
6. o cerere, intr-un mod mai putin formal: Can you come later? The secretary is busy right now.
b) Could poate fi utilizat pentru a exprima:
1. capacitate fizica sau intelectuala trecuta: My friend could speak four foreign languages fluently and could type like a professional typist when she was younger.
2. un conditional prezent: The group could get to the station in time if they took a bus.
3. o cerere politicoasa: Could you help me with the luggage, please?
4. realitati trecute, imposibile astazi: Such dresses could be seen around the 1900's.
5. posibilitate trecuta depinzand de anumite imprejurari: We could bathe and get tanned at the seaside, as the weather was fine.
6. permisiune trecuta: As we had our papers in order, we could pass through the customs very rapidly.
a) May poate fi utilizat pentru a exprima:
1. permisiune formala: May I use the phone?
2. posibilitate: You may know him. It may rain soon.
3. interdictie, in special in stilul oficial: Students may not use dictionaries at the exam.
4. indoiala, nesiguranta: Who may that girl be?
5. dorinta, speranta: May you live long! May all your dreams come true!
b) Might se poate utiliza pentru a exprima:
1. permisiune trecuta: I realized that he might leave the office whenever he wanted.
2. posibilitate prezenta, viitoare sau trecuta: He might be at the club now / tomorrow. The tourist thought that he might find the way to the hut by himself.
3. un conditional prezent: You might take into account my offer.
4. o cerere insistenta: You might help me with this application, if you want.
5. iritare, indignare, repros: You might look at me when I'm talking to you!
6. nesiguranta: I wonder who that old man might be.
Must este utilizat pentru a exprima:
1. obligatie, comanda, necesitate - caz in care se poate substitui cu to have to:
You must do / have to do your job if you want to get promoted. (obligatie)
Must exprima o obligatie impusa de vorbitor, in timp ce to have to exprima o obligatie impusa de o autoritate externa.
You must show / have to show me your driving licence at once. (comanda)
They must write / have to write their names in capitals. (necesitate)
2. deductie, concluzie logica, probabilitate: If she left the office at 4 , she must be on her way home now.
3. interdictie: People must not walk on the grass.
Exista doua verbe need: unul notional, care are sensul de avea nevoie, a necesita (to require, to be in need of) si care se conjuga normal ca orice verb notional, cu to do ca auxiliar la prezent si trecut pentru formele interogative si negative:
Does she need any help with the boxes? He doesn't need your approval.
La afirmativ, verbul notional need poate fi urmat de un complement direct exprimat prin substantiv sau pronume gerunziu sau infinitiv lung: My colleague needs a break. The house needs cleaning. You don't need to rush, we have plenty of time.
Need modal cu sensul de to have to are aceeasi forma pentru toate persoanele, fiind in special utilizat la interogativ si negativ:
Need she cook today? Yes, she must. My sister needn't clean the room all by herself. She never/ hardly/ scarcely need mention how much she has done for him.
Desi ambele forme Do I need to si Need I exprima obligatie, necesitate, exista o diferenta intre ele:
Do I need to take this pill every day? (actiune habituala)
Need I take this pill now? (actiune ocazionala)
Exista diferenta de sens si intre constructiile didn't need to = actiune care nu a fost necesara si nu a fost realizata: You didn't need to go to work that weekend. (so you didn't)
fata de needn't have to = actiune care nu a fost necesara, dar care s-a realizat, totusi: She needn't have said that about me.(yet, she did)
Should este utilizat pentru a exprima:
1. obligatie, sfat, recomandare din punctul de vedere al vorbitorului: The students should apply for the scholarship in the next two weeks.
2. surpriza, in intrebarile retorice: Whom should he meet at the museum but his former teacher?
3. presupunere: If I'm right, she should be 25 now.
4. in conditionale, pentru a accentua improbabilitatea conditiei: If you should meet her at the station, tell her I'll be waiting for her! sau pentru a-l omite pe if: Should he come home sooner (If he came home sooner), you could meet him before leaving town.
Ought to (s-ar cuveni, ar trebui sa) este folosit pentru a exprima:
1. datorie, obligatie morala: People ought to be more careful with their savings.
2. datorie neindeplinita: He ought to have checked the breaks of his car before going on that trip. (yet, he didn't)
3. pentru a indica ceva care este probabil sau de asteptat sa se intample: By the weather forecast, in August it ought to be fine.
Would este utilizat pentru a exprima:
1. o cerere politicoasa: Would you bring me those letter, please? Impreuna cu like sau care, cererea este si mai politicoasa: Would you like to help me with these heavy books?
2. preferinta, urmate de rather/ sooner: I would rather watch a movie than go to the theatre tonight.
3. un obicei sau o actiune repetata in trecut: She would visit her uncle whenever she came into town.
4. probabilitate: That woman would be his neighbour.
5. vointa: I told him that he had to go there whether he would or would not.
Used to este un verb modal utilizat doar pentru a exprima:
1. obiceiuri trecute sau actiuni care nu mai sunt valabile in prezent: We used to take breakfast at this restaurant when we were in college.
2. un obicei trecut, care nu a disparut neaparat: My niece used to go to the concerts every Saturday.
Verbul Dare apare in propozitii afirmative ca un verb notional obisnuit: He dares to say that you are a liar. Does she dare to go there? She doesn't dare to show herself here.
In propozitii interogative sau negative, verbul dare poate fi conjugat si ca un verb modal: Dare he visit you here? Dared you face her? He dare not come.
How dare(d) you exprima indignare, repros: How dare(d) you do such a thing?
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