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The past tense

The Past Tense

Se traduce prin imperfect, perfect simplu, perfect compus si exprima o actiune trecuta terminata

I saw her yesterday. = Am vazut-o ieri.

Este a doua forma de baza a verbului (vezi lista de baza a verbelor!).

Verbele principale sunt 1) regulate si 2) neregulate.

1. regulate la forma a II-a si a III-a de baza primesc terminatia -ed.

Terminatia -ed se citeste:

- [ t ] cand este precedata de o consoana nesonora/surda; asked [`Askt], looked [lukt]

- [ d ] cand este precedata de o consoana sonora; received [ri`sIvd] , proved [`prUvd]

- [ id ] cand este precedata de literele t sau d ; added [`Edid],   wanted [`wontid

2. neregulate (vezi lista la sfarsitul cartii)

A. Conjugarea verbelor auxiliare la Past Tense

TO BE - was/were - been

A || I was = eu am fost, eu eram   we were = noi am fost, noi eram

you were = tu ai fost, tu erai you were = voi/dv. ati fost, voi/dv. erati

he/she/it was = el/ea era/a fost they were = ei/ele au fost, ei/ele erau

N ||   I was not = I wasn't = eu nu am fost = eu nu eram

you were not = you weren't = tu nu ai fost = tu nu erai

he/she/it was not = he/she/it wasn't = el/ea nu a fost = el/ea nu era etc.

I || was I ? = eu am fost? = eu eram ?

were you ? = tu ai fost? = tu erai ?

was he/she/it ? = el/ea a fost ? = el/ea era ? etc.

I - N || was I not ? = wasn't I ? = eu nu am fost ? = eu nu eram ?

were you not ? = weren't you ? = tu nu ai fost ? = tu nu erai ?

was he/she/it not ? = wasn't he/she/it ? = el/ea nu a fost ? = el/ea nu era? etc.

TO HAVE - had - had

A ||  

I had = eu am avut, eu aveam

you had = tu ai avut, tu aveai

he /she/it had = el/ea a avut, el/ea avea

we had = noi am avut, noi aveam

you had = voi/dv. ati avut, voi/dv. aveati

they had = ei/ele au avut, ei/ele aveau

N ||   I had not = I hadn't = eu nu am avut = eu n-am avut = eu nu aveam etc

I ||    had I? = eu am avut?, eu aveam? etc.

I - N || had I not ? = hadn't I ? = eu nu am avut ? = eu nu aveam ? etc.

TO DO - did - done

A || I did = eu am facut, eu faceam we did = noi am facut, noi faceam

you did = tu ai facut, tu faceai   you did = voi/dv. ati facut, voi / dv. faceati

he/she/it did = el / ea a facut, el/ea facea     they did = ei/ele au facut, ei / ele faceau

N ||   I did not do = I didn't do = eu nu am facut, eu nu faceam etc.

I ||    Did I do? = eu am facut ?, eu faceam ? etc.

I - N || Did I not do? = didn't I do? = eu nu am facut ?, eu nu faceam ? etc.

should este auxiliar pentru The Future in the Past, persoana I singular si plural, precum si pentru formarea modului conditional (prezent si perfect)

would este auxiliar pentru The Future in the Past pers. II - III si conditional. El il poate inlocui pe should la pers. I sg. si pl. atat la timpul The Future in the Past cat si la modul conditional.

B. Conjugarea verbelor modale la Past Tense


A || I could (go) = I was able to (go) = eu puteam/eram in stare sa (merg)

You could (go) = you were able to (go) = tu puteai/erai in stare sa (mergi)

He/she/it could (go) = he/she/it was able to (go) = el/ea putea/era in stare sa (mearga) etc.

N || I could not (go) = I couldn't (go) = I was not able to (go) = I wasn't able to (go) = eu nu puteam (merge) = eu nu eram in stare sa (merg) etc.

I || could I (go) ? = was I able to (go) ? = eu puteam sa (merg)? = puteam eu sa (merg)? = eu eram in stare sa (merg)? = eram eu in stare sa (merg)? etc.

I - N || could I not (go)? = couldn't I (go)? = was I not able to (go)? = wasn't I able to (go)? = eu nu puteam (merge)? = eu nu eram in stare sa (merg)? etc.

Verbul could exprima:

abilitatea in trecut;

I could speak German last year = I was able to speak German last year = Stiam sa vorbesc germana anul trecut.

b) o invitatie sau o rugaminte (conditional prezent)

Could you (possibly) come to my birthday party? = Ai putea ( puteai ) veni la petrecerea de ziua mea de nastere?

Could you lend me your umbrella? = Ai putea sa-mi imprumuti umbrela ta ?

c) permisiunea / posibilitatea in trecut

They could go on a trip. = Ei puteau merge in excursie.

might= to be allowed

Verbul might, adica a II a forma de baza a verbului may care la timpul prezent printre altele exprima si permisiunea, poate exprima permisiunea la trecut atunci cand may devine might transformat din vorbire directa in vorbire indirecta.

'May I go on the trip', asked Mary. = - Pot merge in excursie, intreba Mary. devine in vorbirea indirecta: Mary asked if she might go on the trip. = Mary asked if she was allowed to go on the trip. = Mary a intrebat daca poate sa mearga in excursie. = Mary a intrebat daca ii este ingaduit sa mearga in excursie.

Verbul might exprima:

a) posibilitatea in prezent might fiind auxiliar modal la conditional prezent He might be there. = Ar putea fi acolo.

Might he still be there ? = Ar putea fi acolo inca ? = Ar putea fi tot acolo ?

b) posibilitatea in trecut : You might have succeeded if you had tried. = Tu ai fi putut reusi daca ai fi incercat. = S-ar fi putut sa reusesti daca ai fi incercat. I knew he might be late. = Stiam ca este posibil sa intarzie.

c) interdictia in trecut: She said that we might not go on that trip. = She said that we were not allowed to go on that trip. = Ea a zis ca noi nu putem merge in excursia aceea. = Ea a zis ca noua nu ne este ingaduit / permis sa mergem in excursia aceea.

d) o maniera politicoasa de a cere permisiunea : (folosit la conditional prezent)

Might I ask you something ? = As putea sa te/va intreb ceva ? Might I use your phone ? = As putea folosi telefonul tau ?

had to = A TREBUI SA

A || I had to (go) = eu trebuia sa (merg)

you had to (go) = tu trebuia sa (mergi)

he/she/it had to (go) = el/ea trebuia sa (mearga) etc

N || I had not to (go) = I hadn't to (go) = I did not (didn't) have to (go) = eu nu trebuia sa (merg) = eu nu a (n-a)   trebuit sa (merg) etc.

I ||    had I to (go) ? = did I have to (go) ? = eu trebuia sa (merg) ? etc

I-N ||    had I not to (go) ? = did I not have to (go) ? = eu nu trebuia sa (merg) ? etc.

SHOULD = trebuia, se cuvenea sa

Should este a doua forma de baza (adica Past Tense) a verbului shall si exprima o obligatie, sau o recomandare in trecut.

We should learn. = Trebuia sa invatam. = Se cuvenea sa invatam.

In aceasta situatie should este sinonim cu ought to.

A || I should (go) = eu trebuia sa (merg) (se cuvenea sa merg)

you should (go) = tu trebuia sa (mergi)

he /she/it should (go) = el/ea trebuia sa (mearga) etc

N || I should not (go) = I shouldn't (go) = eu nu trebuia sa (merg) etc.

I || should I (go) ? = trebuia eu sa (merg) ? etc.

I-N ||    should I not (go) ? = shouldn't I (go) ? = nu trebuia eu sa (merg) ? etc.

Should + infinitiv perfect = obligatie in trecut

You should have told us the truth. = You ought to have told us the truth. = Ar fi trebuit sa ne spui adevarul.

You shouldn't have refused their help. = N-ar fi trebuit sa le fi refuzat ajutorul.

would = a voi

A ||   I would (see) = eu voiam sa (vad) ; eu vedeam, obisnuiam sa (vad)

you would (see) = tu voiai sa (vezi) ; tu vedeai, obisnuiai sa (vezi)

he/she/it would (see) = el/ea voia sa (vada) ; el/ea vedea, obisnuia sa (vada) etc

N ||   I would not (see) = I wouldn't (see) = eu nu voiam sa (vad); eu nu vedeam etc.

I || would I (see) ? = voiam eu sa (vad) ? ; obisnuiam eu sa (vad) ?, vedeam eu ? eu vedeam? etc.

I - N || would I not (see) ? = wouldn't I (see) ? = eu nu voiam sa (vad) ? = nu voiam eu sa (vad)?; eu nu obisnuiam    sa (vad)? etc.

Would este a II-a forma de baza a verbului will.

I understood he would not see them. = Am inteles ca nu voia sa-i vada .

Verbul would exprima:

a) - actiune repetata in trecut (would = used to)

He would go swimming with other boys. = He used to go swimming with other boys . = El obisnuia sa inoate cu alti baieti.

b) - dorinta in trecut   He would go on the trip. = El dorea sa mearga in excursie.


Se foloseste la negativ si interogativ urmat de infinitiv fara particula to. Needn't urmat de infinitiv perfect exprima ca s-a petrecut ceva nenecesar.

You needn't have gone there. = Nu era necesar/nevoie sa fi mers acolo.

I knew I need not repeat the question. = Stiam ca nu e nevoie sa repet intrebarea.

You needn't have cooked our dinner because we are going to dine out with friends tonight. = Nu era necesar sa fi pregatit cina pentru ca vom cina cu prietenii in oras diseara.

He didn't need to get up so early. = It was not necessary for him to get up so early. = Nu era necesar/nevoie ca el sa se scoale asa devreme.

N ||   I need not (go) = I needn't (go) = eu nu era nevoie sa (merg) etc.

I || Need I (go) ? = eu era nevoie/necesar sa merg ? = era necesar sa (merg)? etc.

I - N || Need I not (go)? =needn't I (go)? = eu nu era necesar/nevoie sa (merg)? = n-aveam eu nevoie sa (merg) ?

used to = would

A nu se confunda acest verb cu verbul principal regulat to use - used - used = a intrebuinta, a folosi. Se traduce in limba romana prin timpul imperfect, iar sensul ii este dat de verbul principal pe langa care functioneaza in propozitie.

A ||   I used to (play) = I would (play) = eu jucam = eu obisnuiam sa (joc)

You used to (play) = you would (play) = tu jucai = tu obisnuiai sa (joci)

He/she used to (play) = he/she would (play) = el/ea juca = el/ea obisnuia sa (joace) etc

N || I use(d)n't to (play) = I wouldn't (play) = eu nu obisnuiam sa (joc) etc

I || Use(d) I to (play) ? = would I (play) ? = obisnuiam eu sa (joc) ? etc

I-N ||    Use(d)n't I to (play) ? = wouldn't I (play) ? = eu nu obisnuiam sa (joc) ? etc

- to be used to = a fi obisnuit / invatat cu / sa

He was used to their dogs. = El era obisnuit / invatat cu cainii lor.

He was used to catch fish. = El era invatat / obisnuit sa prinda peste.

to get used to = a se invata /obisnui cu

We got used to these working conditions. = Trebuia sa ne obisnuim cu aceste conditii de munca.

There used to be some tents on this ground last summer, use(d)n't there ? = Erau niste corturi pe terenul acesta vara trecuta, nu-i asa ?

- didn't use to - este forma colocviala; use(d)n't to este forma literara

Alte structuri modale:

had better = mai bine sa

We had better arrived there earlier than later. = Mai bine sa ajungem acolo mai devreme decat mai tarziu.

would rather than= as prefera sa decat sa

I would rather walk than take a taxi. = As prefera sa merg pe jos decat sa iau un taxi.

C. Conjugarea verbelor principale - aspectul comun, diateza activa

TO SEE - SAW - SEEN (verb principal neregulat)

A ||

I saw= eu am vazut, eu vedeam

you saw = tu ai vazut, tu vedeai    

he/she/it saw = el/ea a vazut, el/ea vedea

we saw = noi am vazut, noi vedeam

you saw = voi ati vazut, voi vedeati

they saw = ei/ele au vazut, ei/ele vedeau

N || I did not see = I didn't see = eu nu am vazut

you did not see = you didn't see = tu nu ai vazut

he/she/it did not see = he/she/it didn't see = el/ea nu a vazut etc.

I || did I see ? = eu am vazut ? = am vazut eu ? etc.

I - N || did I not see ? = didn't I see ? = eu nu am (n-am) vazut ? etc.

TO ANSWER - ANSWERED - ANSWERED = a raspunde (verb regulat)

A ||   I answered = eu am raspuns we answered = noi am raspuns

you answered = tu ai raspuns you answered = voi ati raspuns

he/she/it answered = el/ea a raspuns    they answered = ei/ele au raspuns

N ||   I did not answer = I didn't answer = eu nu am raspuns

you did not answer = you didn't answer = tu nu ai raspuns

he/she/it did not answer = he/she/it didn't answer = el/ea nu a raspuns etc.

I || did I answer ? = eu am raspuns ? = am raspuns eu ? etc.

I - N ||  did I not answer ? = didn't I answer ? = eu nu am raspuns ? etc.

to dare - dared - dared = a indrazni,a provoca

A || I dared = eu am indraznit we dared = noi am indraznit

you dared = tu ai indraznit    you dared = voi ati indraznit

he/she/it dared = el/ea a indraznit    they dared = ei/ele au indraznit

N ||   I did not dare = I didn't dare = eu nu am (n-am) indraznit etc.

I || did I dare ? = eu am indraznit ? = am indraznit eu ? etc.

I - N || did I not dare ? = didn't I dare ? = eu nu am indraznit ? = n-am indraznit eu ? etc.

They dared me to do it but I didn't dare. = Ei m-au provocat s-o fac, dar eu n-am avut curajul.

I did not dare to break my promise/word. = Nu am indraznit sa-mi calc promisiunea/cuvantul.

John did not dare to go there, did he ? = John n-a indraznit sa mearga/plece acolo, nu-i asa ?

to need - needed - needed= a necesita, a solicita

This work needed much skill. = Treaba aceasta a necesitat/ solicitat/ presupus multa indemanare/ pricepere.

A || I needed = eu am avut nevoie = mie mi-a trebuit you needed = tu ai avut nevoie = tie ti-a trebuit

he/she/it needed = el/ea a avut nevoie = lui/ei i-a trebuit

we needed = noi am avut nevoie = noua ne-a trebuit you needed = voi ati avut nevoie = voua v-a trebuit

they needed = ei/ele au avut nevoie = lor le-a trebuit

N ||   I did not need = I didn't need = eu nu am avut nevoie = mie nu mi-a trebuit etc.

I || did I need ? = eu am avut nevoie ? = am avut eu nevoie ? = mi-a trebuit mie ? = mie mi-a trebuit? etc.

I - N || did I not need ? = didn't I need ? = eu nu am avut nevoie ? = n-am avut eu nevoie? = mie nu mi-a trebuit ? = nu mi-a trebuit mie ? etc.

They didn't need our help, did they?=Ei nu au avut nevoie de ajutorul nostru, nu-i asa?=Lor nu le-a trebuit ajutorul nostru, asa-i ?

Did they need any help ? = Au avut ei nevoie de vreun ajutor ? = Le-a trebuit lor vreun ajutor ?

Plants and animals needed rain. = Plantele si animalele aveau nevoie de ploaie.

We needed a lot of time = Am avut nevoie de mult timp. = Ne-a trebuit multa vreme.

D. Conjugarea verbelor principale - diateza activa, aspectul continuu


A ||

I was speaking = eu vorbeam

you were speaking = tu vorbeai

he/she was speaking = el/ea vorbea

we were speaking = noi vorbeam

you were speaking = voi vorbeati

they were speaking = ei/ele vorbeau

N ||   I was not (wasn't) speaking = eu nu vorbeam etc.

I || was I speaking ? = vorbeam/am vorbit eu ? etc.

I-N ||    was I not (wasn't I ) speaking ? = nu vorbeam eu ? etc.

E. Conjugarea verbelor principale - diateza pasiva, aspectul comun


A ||  

I was seen = eu am fost vazut(a)   

you were seen = tu ai fost vazut(a)

he/she/it was seen = el/ea a fost vazut(a)

we were seen = noi am fost vazuti/vazute

you were seen = voi ati fost vazuti/vazute

they were seen = ei/ele au fost vazuti/vazute

N || I was not seen = I wasn't seen = eu nu am fost vazut(a) etc.

I || was I seen? = eu am fost vazut? = am fost eu vazut(a)? etc.

I - N || was I not seen? = wasn't I seen? = eu nu am fost vazut(a)? etc.

F. Conjugarea verbelor principale - diateza pasiva, aspectul continuu

TO BE BEING LOOKED AT (by smb.) = a fi privit (de cineva)

A ||  

I was being looked at = eu eram privit(a)

you were being looked at = tu erai privit(a)

he/she/it was being looked at = el/ea era privit(a)

we were being looked at = noi eram priviti/privite

you were being looked at = voi erati priviti/privite

they were being looked at = ei erau priviti/privite

N ||   I was not being looked at = I wasn't being looked at = eu nu eram privit(a) etc.

I ||    was I being looked at ? = eram eu privit(a)? etc.

I-N ||    was I not being looked at ? = wasn't I being looked at ? = eu nu eram privit(a)? etc.

G. Conjugarea verbelor reflexive - aspectul comun

to enjoy - enjoyed - enjoyed ONESELF = a se distra

A ||   I enjoyed myself = eu m-am distrat/amuzat

you enjoyed yourself = tu te-ai distrat/amuzat

he/she/it enjoyed himself/herself/itself = el/ea s-a distrat/amuzat

we enjoyed ourselves = noi ne-am distrat/amuzat

you enjoyed yourselves = voi v-ati distrat/amuzat

they enjoyed themselves = ei/ele s-au distrat/amuzat

N || I did not enjoy myself = I didn't enjoy myself = eu nu m-am distrat etc.

I ||    did I enjoy myself ? = eu m-am distrat ? = m-am distrat eu ? etc.

I - N || did I not enjoy myself ? = didn't I enjoy myself ? = eu nu m-am distrat ? etc.

H. Conjugarea verbelor reflexive   - aspectul continuu

TO ENJOY ONESELF = a se distra

A || I was enjoying myself = eu ma distram/amuzam

you were enjoying yourself = tu te distrai/amuzai

he was enjoying himself = el se distra/amuza

she was enjoying herself = ea se distra/amuza

it was enjoying itself = el/ea se distra/amuza

we were enjoying ourselves = noi ne distram/amuzam

you were enjoying yourselves = voi va distrati/amuzati

they were enjoying themselves = ei/ele se distrau/amuzau

N || I was not (wasn't) enjoying myself = eu nu ma distram etc.

I || was I enjoying myself ? = eu ma distram? = ma distram eu ? etc.

I - N || was I not (wasn't I) enjoying myself ? = eu nu ma distram ? etc.

I saw him a moment ago. = L-am vazut acum o clipa. = L-am vazut mai inainte.

The boys always played tennis in the afternoon. = Baietii jucau totdeauna tenis dupa amiaza/masa.

I met them on Sunday afternoon. = I-am intalnit duminica dupa amiaza/masa.

I entered the house as soon as it began to rain. = Am intrat in casa de indata ce a inceput sa ploua.

They ate lunch together every day. = Ei au servit pranzul impreuna in fiecare zi.

The Past Tense apare in propozitiile in care se intalnesc adverbe de timp ca: yesterday = ieri, the day before yesterday = alaltaieri, two days/weeks/months/ ago = acum doua zile/ saptamani/ luni, last time = ultima data/oara, last week/ month = saptamana/luna trecuta, last year = anul trecut etc.

Did you see John earlier this week? = L-ai vazut pe John mai pe la inceputul saptamanii acesteia?

De retinut urmatoarele perechi de exemple corecte :

I saw John today. = I have seen John today. = L-am vazut pe John azi.

I saw John this week/month. = I have seen John this week/month. = L-am vazut pe John saptamana/luna aceasta.

I saw John recently. = I have seen John recently. = L-am vazut pe John recent.

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