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Modul participiu (the participle mood)

Modul participiu (The Participle Mood)

diateza activa

diateza pasiva


seeing = vazand

beeing seen = fiind vazut

speaking = vorbind



seen = vazut

seen = vazut

spoken = vorbit


having seen = vazand

having been seen = fiind vazut

having spoken = vorbind

Din schema si exemplificarea de mai sus se vede ca participiul are trei timpuri, iar pentru unele verbe are forme pentru diatezele activa si pasiva

1. Participiul prezent impreuna cu verbul to be, care se conjuga, formeaza, asa cum s-a aratat, aspectul continuu al verbelor.

I am speaking. = Eu vorbesc (acum).

Participiul prezent se mai traduce in limba romana si prin modul gerunziu.

We watched them playing football. = I-am privit jucand fotbal.

The boy running is John = The boy, who is running, is John. = Baiatul, care alearga, este John.

We came to know each other playing tennis. = Am ajuns sa ne cunoastem jucand tenis.

Participiul prezent este un adjectiv verbal.

a singing bird = o pasare cantatoare

the coming days = zilele care vin

the rising generation = generatia care se ridica

in the coming years = in anii care vin

running water = apa curgatoare

the winning horse = calul castigator

the rising/setting sun = soarele care rasare/apune

to keep somebody waiting = a face pe cineva sa astepte

I did not keep him waiting. = Nu l-am facut sa astepte.

to find somebody doing something = a gasi pe cineva facand ceva

I found her writing a letter. = Am gasit-o scriind o scrisoare.

to leave somebody doing something = a lasa pe cineva facand ceva

I left them playing in the garden. = I-am lasat jucandu-se in gradina.

I felt the earth shaking. = Am simtit pamantul clatinandu-se.

to see somebody doing something = a vedea pe cineva facand ceva

She is watching her baby sleeping. = Ea isi supravegheaza copilul care doarme.

Did you catch him stealing anything ? = L-ai prins furand ceva ?

Keep on singing! = Cantati mai departe!

I can feel the wind blowing. = Pot simti vantul sufland.

I like to listen to the birds singing. = Imi place sa ascult la pasari cantand.

We left her learning her lessons. = Am lasat-o invatandu-si lectiile.

He wrote the exercise while singing a song. = A scris exercitiul cantand un cantec.

I noticed him smiling happily at them. = L-am zarit/observat zambind fericit catre ei.

Did you see us swimming in the lake ? = Ne-ati/ne-ai vazut (pe noi) inotand in lac ?

Searching in the library I came across an interesting book. = Cautand prin biblioteca, am dat peste o carte interesanta.

We were watching the setting sun and the waves receding from the shore. = Priveam soarele care apunea si valurile ce se retrageau de la tarm.

A man learning to swim should be very cautious. = Un om care invata sa inoate ar trebui sa fie foarte precaut.

2. Participiul trecut (The Past Participle) este a III-a forma de baza a verbelor, forma care intra in alcatuirea timpurilor The Present Perfect si The Past Perfect.

3. Participiul perfect (The Perfect Participle)

Having given him the book, I went home. = Dupa ce i-am dat (lui) cartea, (eu) am plecat acasa.

Structura aceasta consta din participiul prezent al verbului to have urmat de un verb la participiul trecut.

Having been read the book was returned to the library. = After the book had been read it was returned to the library. = Dupa ce a fost citita cartea a fost inapoiata la biblioteca.

Constructii participiale

A. Acuzativ cu participiu

Everybody admired him driving his car. = Toata lumea l-a admirat conducan-du-si masina.

Nobody heard her playing the piano or singing any song. = Nimeni n-a auzit-o cantand la pian sau cantand vreun cantec.

I did not hear the bell ringing. = N-am auzit clopotelul (soneria) sunand.

B. Nominativ cu participiu

Were you heard singing a song? = Ai fost (tu) auzit cantand un cantec?

Was the bell heard ringing? = A fost clopotelul (soneria) auzit(a) sunand?

C. Nominativul absolut

The door being locked, we went to bed. = Usa fiind incuiata, ne-am dus la culcare.

We may go swimming while the sun is shining. = Putem merge sa inotam in timp ce soarele straluceste.

D. Participiul absolut

Judging by appearances is not the best method. = A judeca dupa aparente nu este cea mai buna metoda.

Exemple cu structuri care contin verbe la participiul trecut :

We saw a deserted village. = Am vazut un sat parasit

He found the window shut. = El a gasit fereastra inchisa.

Can you make your presence felt ? = Iti poti face prezenta simtita ?

You should make yourself respected. = Ar trebui sa te faci respectat.

She felt herself admired. = S-a simtit admirata.

You must have your hair cut. = Trebuie sa-ti scurtezi/tunzi parul.

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