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My Favorite Place: The Cave

My Favorite Place: The Cave

The place I like I a cave, were I used to go with my sister in weekends last year. I remember it very well.

To it we used to take the train for 10 ours and then we started on a foot path for 3 ours strait with the backpacks on the back but was fun. I enjoyed the sightseeing it was beautiful the forests, the mountains and even the little hamlets from the mountains.

Even so nothing compared with the little spring that was exiting from the second cave and the beauty from inside the cave. The cave were me and my sister was situated above the second cave.

At the entrance of the cave is a tunnel of 1000 feet and after it was the "fortified gate" from the entrance of the cave. The tunnel from the entrance was hand made by humans and this entrance was named by scientists: The artificial entrance. The real cave entrance somewhere one other slope of the springs valley, higher that the artificial entrance.

Inside of the cave are some beautiful galleries that have inscriptions on the walls. Inscriptions of the first human how entered the cave, but that's not all the bats from there were beautiful too. I have seen some off them. They even sang to us when we rested and slapped.

There are much to say about this caves beauties but are resume to this. And if I were to choose between a vacancy in England to see cities and one cave I would choose the cave.

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